本论文主要研究双齿围沙蚕(Perinereis aibuhitensis)对盐度突变、温度突变和盐度渐变、温度渐变及干露的耐受性。实验结果表明:双齿围沙蚕耐受盐度的范围比较广泛,为5~45,适宜的盐度范围为20~30,求得双齿围沙蚕96 h半致死盐度上限为33.1。适宜温度范围为20~30℃,对低温有很强的耐受力。双齿围沙蚕在低温保湿干露10 d未发生死亡,大量死亡集中在13~14 d。本研究结果表明:双齿围沙蚕对环境的适应性较强,耐温、耐盐范围较广,且具有很强的耐干露能力。
In this dissertation, we studied the effects of Perinereis aibuhitensis on the changes of salinity, temperature and salinity gradients, temperature gradients and dry dew. The results showed that the tolerant salinity ranged from 5 to 45, and the suitable salinity range was from 20 to 30. The upper limit of the lethal half-lethality of Bombyx mori for 96 h was 33.1. Suitable temperature range of 20 ~ 30 ℃, the low temperature has a strong tolerance. Bidentata nematode in low temperature moisturizing dry exposed 10 d did not die, a large number of deaths concentrated in 13 ~ 14 d. The results show that: Bidentata nematode environment adaptability stronger, temperature, salt a wider range, and has a strong resistance to dry dew.