In Nanchang, a high-tech development zone has gathered more than 80% of the province’s software and information services companies, attracting nine Fortune 500 companies; in Yongxiu, a silicone main business revenue accounted for the county’s main business income Half of the country, the annual contribution to the county financial in more than one-third; in Nankang, a furniture industry to gather more than 6,000 enterprises, driving more than 300,000 directly employed population, feeding more than 600 logistics lines, export tentacles stretch To dozens of countries around the world ... ... one by one fission and expansion of the advantages of industries, one by one characteristics of the park, the industrial chain force exerted potential. After years of cultivation and development, industrial clusters in Jiangxi have spread all over the country. The cost advantages and comparative benefits are gradually highlighted, propping up the total industrial output of the province’s four