金秋时节,枯黄了的桑叶既无“枫叶红于二月花”之艳丽,亦没有金菊傲霜的风骨,然而,就是这枯黄了的桑叶,却以其广泛的药用价值,受到人们的青睐。 桑叶在中药里属辛凉解表类药物。传统上多用于治疗外感风热或温病初起的发热、头痛、咳嗽等症,以及肝火或风热所致的目赤涩痛,多泪等症。
Autumn season, withered yellow mulberry leaves neither “Maple Leaf Red Flower in February,” the beautiful, there is no Julin Aoxing style, however, is the yellow mulberry leaves, but its wide range of medicinal value, by People’s favor. Mulberry leaf in the Chinese medicine is a cool solution to the class of drugs. Traditionally used for the treatment of exogenous wind-heat or warm-onset fever, headache, cough embolism, as well as caused by anger or wind fever red eyes astringent pain, tears and other embolisms.