Unsupervised Change Detection in Multitemporal SAR Images Using MRF Models

来源 :Geo-Spatial Information Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaoyie
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An unsupervised change-detection method that considers the spatial contextual information in a log-ratio difference image generated from multitemporal SAR images is proposed. A Markov random filed (MRF) model is particularly employed to exploit statistical spatial correlation of intensity levels among neighboring pixels. Under the assumption of the independency of pixels and mixed Gaussian distribution in the log-ratio difference image, a stochastic and iterative EM-MPM change-detection algorithm based on an MRF model is developed. The EM-MPM algorithm is based on a maximiser of posterior marginals (MPM) algorithm for image segmentation and an expectation-maximum (EM) algorithm for parameter estimation in a completely automatic way. The experiment results obtained on multitemporal ERS-2 SAR images show the effectiveness of the proposed method. An unsupervised change-detection method that considers the spatial contextual information in a log-ratio difference image generated from multitemporal SAR images is proposed. A Markov random filed (MRF) model is particularly employed to exploit statistical spatial correlation of intensity levels among neighboring pixels. Under the assumption of the independency of pixels and mixed Gaussian distribution in the log-ratio difference image, a stochastic and iterative EM-MPM change-detection algorithm based on an MRF model is developed. The EM-MPM algorithm is based on a maximizer of posterior marginals (MPM) algorithm for image segmentation and an expectation-maximum (EM) algorithm for parameter estimation in a completely automatic way. The experiment results obtained on multitemporal ERS-2 SAR images show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
摘要:在教学中会经常面对学困生,本文介绍了对学困生教学的几点做法,如加强情感教学,优化课堂设计,以及培养自学能力等,培养学困生学习化学的兴趣和信心,提升化学能力,使他们也可以在化学课中“飞翔”.  关键词:学困生;情感;教学手法;自学能力  一、注重情感教学,搞好师生关系,使学困生积极“愿飞”  教学过程中最重要的是师生关系,师生关系的好坏,对教学所产生的作用截然不同.因此,教师讲课时除了要面带微
从初中物理新标准来看,物理学是研究物质结构、物质相互作用和运用规律的自然科学,必须从以下几点考虑才能达到教学的最终目的。  一、抓好教材的理解  1.新教材内容覆盖了中学物理课程标准的所有科学内容标准,精选了学生终身学习必备的物理基础知识与技能,在对过往一切旧教材的扬弃中,一改过去“难、繁、偏、旧”的特点,所选内容典型、实用、有特色。而且教材难度适宜,没有过多过繁的计算,切实减轻了学生的课业负担,
摘 要: 本文以沪科版“力与运动”为例,浅谈如何进行校本单元过关练习设计,帮助学生及时巩固本章所学知识,通过几个题目的解析突破重点、难点,通过综合题训练提高解决实际问题的能力。  关键词: 初中物理 校本单元 过关练习  校本单元过关练习设计与解析是在完成本单元教学之后,为了帮助学生及时巩固所学知识、所学技能、深化对知识的理解和应用而编制的。本文以初中物理(沪科版)2012年6月第1版第七章为例,
目的:为探讨新疆地区哈萨克族载脂蛋白E(Apolipoprotein E,ApoE)基因型及启动子区(rs405509,rs449647,rs7259620)多态性与冠心病(Coronary heart disease,CHD)患病风险可能存在的