关键词:基础阅读课 教学模式 初中英语
1.阅读前活动(pre?鄄reading activities for interest)——引出话题, 激发兴趣。
2.阅读过程活动(while?鄄reading activities for comprehension)——技巧训练,整体把握。
整体粗读,领略内容大意(literal comprehension)
分段细读,注意细节,注意语言结构(inferential comprehension)
整体重读,深层理解,掌握语言结构(critical comprehension)
3.阅读后活动(post?鄄reading activities for production)——活化教材,创造思维。
意义性练习(meaningful activities for consolidation)——设计检测,加深理解。
作业布置(assignments for improvement)——反馈教学,形成评价。
Reading Material?押
Once there was a turtle who was dying of hunger and thirst. His lake was dry so he had no food or water. His friends?熏 the egrets?熏 wanted to carry him to another lake. “But how can we do that?芽” they asked. “I know a way,” said the turtle. He told two of them to find a long stick. “Now?熏” he said?熏 “each of you hold one end of the stick in your beak. I will hold onto the middle of the stick.”
So the egrets took the stick and flew high into the sky carrying the turtle. They flew on and on. Suddenly they heard a cry from the people down below.
“Look how clever the egrets are?选 They?蒺re carrying the turle through the sky?选” The turle felt hurt to hear the people say it was the egrets who were so clever. He had to let the people know that he was the clever one. So he began to shout as loud as he he could?熏 “I…”But as soon as he opened his mouth?熏 of course?熏 he fell headfirst to the ground.
Before reading ?穴Previewing?雪
1.Ask?押 Do you have a pet?芽 What is it?芽 Does anyone have a pet turtle?芽 What can a turtle do?芽 What can?蒺t a turtle do?芽 Encourage students to answer. Write their answers on the board. For example?熏
A turtle can swim. A turtle can?蒺t fly.
A turtle can walk slowly. A turtle can?蒺t run.
A turtle can eat leaves. A turtle can?蒺t eat meat.
A turtle can drink water. A turtle can?蒺t carry a stick.
Let half of the class read the sentences of “What a turtle can do.” The other half read “What a turtle can?蒺t do.”
2.Students look at the picture. Ask “yes” or “no” questions.
Is the turtle climbing a big log?芽
Is the turtle swimming?芽
Are there two white birds?芽
Do they have a long stick in their beaks or mouths?芽
Are they going to hit the turtle with the stick?芽
Do you think they will help the turtle?芽
Do you think a turtle is a stupid animal?芽
3.Students read the title. lntroduce the story?熏 e.g. “lt?蒺s about a turtle and two egrets and what the turtle and the birds do.”
While Reading
1.a.Read the story as the students follow the text.
b.Ask?押Are there any words you don?蒺t understand?芽 Then write them on the board?熏 e.g. hunger?熏 thirst?熏 egrets?熏 beak?熏 headfirst?熏 stick.
2.a.Use the picture to teach some vocabulary words?押Point to the egrets. Point to the beaks. Point to the stick.
b.Use actions to demonstrate hunger?熏 thirst?熏 headfirst.
c. Make sentences to illustrate the rest of the words.
3.Have students scan for each vocabulary work in the text and repeat it after the teacher. ?穴Scanning?雪
4.Tell the story and choose three students to role?鄄play as the turtle and the egrets and a group of five students to be the people. Stop at several different points and ask the class to tell what?蒺s going to happen next for the “actors” to act out. ?穴Predicting?雪 5.Write the main ideas in eight sentence strips. Mix them up and give those to eight students to match up. Choose four other students to identify the events in the text by reading the correct paragraph.?穴Main idea?雪
Para 1—The turtle was dying of hunger and thirst.
His two friends want to help him.
Para 2—The two egrets carried the long stick in their beaks.
The turtle was in the middle.
Pare 3—The egrets flew high in the sky.
Some people shouted and said?熏 “See the two clever birds.”
Para 4—The turtle felt hurt and tried to speak.
He opened his mouth and down?熏 down?熏 down he fell.
6.Mix the sentence strips and give them to eight students to put them in the right order. Have them read the whole story to the class.?穴Sequencing?雪
After Reading
Writing activities?押
1. Circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. ?穴Vocabulary review?雪
a. People have months?熏 but birds have ____?穴wings?熏 heads?熏 beaks?雪.
b. Please bring me some food. l?蒺m dying of ____?穴thirst?熏 pain?熏 hunger?雪.
c. You are not ____?穴stupid?熏 poor?熏 dry?雪.You just need to study harder.
d. ____?穴Horses?熏 egrets?熏 fish?雪 live by the lake.
e. You have the right answer. You?蒺re really____?穴strong?熏 kind?熏 clever?雪.
f. Can I have some water?芽 l?蒺m dying of ____?穴cold?熏 thirst?熏 hurt?雪.
g. I ?穴hold?熏 find?熏 carry?雪____ my school bag on my back.
h. The dog was up on a tree. Suddenly he fell ____?穴sick?熏 headfirst?熏 pain?雪 to the ground.
2. What do you think?芽 ?穴Drawing conclusions?雪
a. I think the turtle is stupid/not stupid because_____________________.
b. I think the egrets are ____ because______________________________.
c. I think in the end the turtle____________________________________.
1.陈 波,关文信:《新课程理念与初中英语课堂教学实施》,首都师范大学出版社,2003.
关键词:基础阅读课 教学模式 初中英语
1.阅读前活动(pre?鄄reading activities for interest)——引出话题, 激发兴趣。
2.阅读过程活动(while?鄄reading activities for comprehension)——技巧训练,整体把握。
整体粗读,领略内容大意(literal comprehension)
分段细读,注意细节,注意语言结构(inferential comprehension)
整体重读,深层理解,掌握语言结构(critical comprehension)
3.阅读后活动(post?鄄reading activities for production)——活化教材,创造思维。
意义性练习(meaningful activities for consolidation)——设计检测,加深理解。
作业布置(assignments for improvement)——反馈教学,形成评价。
Reading Material?押
Once there was a turtle who was dying of hunger and thirst. His lake was dry so he had no food or water. His friends?熏 the egrets?熏 wanted to carry him to another lake. “But how can we do that?芽” they asked. “I know a way,” said the turtle. He told two of them to find a long stick. “Now?熏” he said?熏 “each of you hold one end of the stick in your beak. I will hold onto the middle of the stick.”
So the egrets took the stick and flew high into the sky carrying the turtle. They flew on and on. Suddenly they heard a cry from the people down below.
“Look how clever the egrets are?选 They?蒺re carrying the turle through the sky?选” The turle felt hurt to hear the people say it was the egrets who were so clever. He had to let the people know that he was the clever one. So he began to shout as loud as he he could?熏 “I…”But as soon as he opened his mouth?熏 of course?熏 he fell headfirst to the ground.
Before reading ?穴Previewing?雪
1.Ask?押 Do you have a pet?芽 What is it?芽 Does anyone have a pet turtle?芽 What can a turtle do?芽 What can?蒺t a turtle do?芽 Encourage students to answer. Write their answers on the board. For example?熏
A turtle can swim. A turtle can?蒺t fly.
A turtle can walk slowly. A turtle can?蒺t run.
A turtle can eat leaves. A turtle can?蒺t eat meat.
A turtle can drink water. A turtle can?蒺t carry a stick.
Let half of the class read the sentences of “What a turtle can do.” The other half read “What a turtle can?蒺t do.”
2.Students look at the picture. Ask “yes” or “no” questions.
Is the turtle climbing a big log?芽
Is the turtle swimming?芽
Are there two white birds?芽
Do they have a long stick in their beaks or mouths?芽
Are they going to hit the turtle with the stick?芽
Do you think they will help the turtle?芽
Do you think a turtle is a stupid animal?芽
3.Students read the title. lntroduce the story?熏 e.g. “lt?蒺s about a turtle and two egrets and what the turtle and the birds do.”
While Reading
1.a.Read the story as the students follow the text.
b.Ask?押Are there any words you don?蒺t understand?芽 Then write them on the board?熏 e.g. hunger?熏 thirst?熏 egrets?熏 beak?熏 headfirst?熏 stick.
2.a.Use the picture to teach some vocabulary words?押Point to the egrets. Point to the beaks. Point to the stick.
b.Use actions to demonstrate hunger?熏 thirst?熏 headfirst.
c. Make sentences to illustrate the rest of the words.
3.Have students scan for each vocabulary work in the text and repeat it after the teacher. ?穴Scanning?雪
4.Tell the story and choose three students to role?鄄play as the turtle and the egrets and a group of five students to be the people. Stop at several different points and ask the class to tell what?蒺s going to happen next for the “actors” to act out. ?穴Predicting?雪 5.Write the main ideas in eight sentence strips. Mix them up and give those to eight students to match up. Choose four other students to identify the events in the text by reading the correct paragraph.?穴Main idea?雪
Para 1—The turtle was dying of hunger and thirst.
His two friends want to help him.
Para 2—The two egrets carried the long stick in their beaks.
The turtle was in the middle.
Pare 3—The egrets flew high in the sky.
Some people shouted and said?熏 “See the two clever birds.”
Para 4—The turtle felt hurt and tried to speak.
He opened his mouth and down?熏 down?熏 down he fell.
6.Mix the sentence strips and give them to eight students to put them in the right order. Have them read the whole story to the class.?穴Sequencing?雪
After Reading
Writing activities?押
1. Circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. ?穴Vocabulary review?雪
a. People have months?熏 but birds have ____?穴wings?熏 heads?熏 beaks?雪.
b. Please bring me some food. l?蒺m dying of ____?穴thirst?熏 pain?熏 hunger?雪.
c. You are not ____?穴stupid?熏 poor?熏 dry?雪.You just need to study harder.
d. ____?穴Horses?熏 egrets?熏 fish?雪 live by the lake.
e. You have the right answer. You?蒺re really____?穴strong?熏 kind?熏 clever?雪.
f. Can I have some water?芽 l?蒺m dying of ____?穴cold?熏 thirst?熏 hurt?雪.
g. I ?穴hold?熏 find?熏 carry?雪____ my school bag on my back.
h. The dog was up on a tree. Suddenly he fell ____?穴sick?熏 headfirst?熏 pain?雪 to the ground.
2. What do you think?芽 ?穴Drawing conclusions?雪
a. I think the turtle is stupid/not stupid because_____________________.
b. I think the egrets are ____ because______________________________.
c. I think in the end the turtle____________________________________.
1.陈 波,关文信:《新课程理念与初中英语课堂教学实施》,首都师范大学出版社,2003.