Some thoughts township ecological landscape

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  【摘要】:Development is a topic, but it is how to develop a problem. When the development of urban construction in full swing, the development of township also has quietly begun. Inadvertently, emerged following the construction of a number of township deformity deformity city after construction. The city does not urban, not rural countryside, stereotyped as city construction 3D printer under construction now also spread to the towns of. The development of these plans, about to the last piece of pure land, but also infected with the strong flavor of reinforced concrete. How to develop township ecological landscape, and reflect its aesthetic value is worth considering.
  On the current development of ecological landscape, many foreign countries are doing well, lift the Netherlands, people will think of the seawall, windmills and tulips; Speaking of France, the Eiffel Tower is to stand tall, and the fascination of French culture ; Italy is talking about the mysterious distant Rome, as well as the world-famous Leaning Tower of Pisa, these are the living soul of these countries, whether urban or rural, is perfect. So we started to learn to start building catch city. In fact, I said that the construction of the city, because we generally do not plan, or that the plan also have no sense of planning, we might as well say there is no plan. Then the results of learning is to add some copy-called endless ideas.
  On the development of ecological landscape mode, in China, as the ecological agriculture landscape mode, almost nothing. Foreign agricultural development model has only one primary industry is the third industry. In the development of a variety of industry model, the proportion of agriculture is still high, not solely driven by industrial development, but also for local economic development has made contributions. In this mode, not solely rely on agricultural production profitable situation, but also to the development of agriculture to create a good environment for development, reducing the associated problems arising due to malignant profit for the demand to create a good environment for healthy food, on the one hand to improve the ecological agriculture, ecological agriculture while increasing observability. In China, the proportion of agriculture has deteriorated, and the development of a single model, the environment can not be optimistic about the future of food, on food safety issues abound. This also proves that the agricultural development and ecological landscape combination is essential.
  Meaning and Significance of Ecological Landscape Township and Town Planning Landscape design should not be underestimated, and it is backed by urban development, ecological development is the top priority.
【摘要】:中国当下有自己成熟绘画风格特点的女性油画家非常之多,在这里仅列举两位笔者认为比较有代表性的女画家为例阎平和喻红,并以他们的绘画作品和语言风格进行阐述,首先从对其二人的绘画艺术理论的阐释中理解、分析一下油画的诗意化问题。再通过对其作品及其艺术理论的论述,进一步深化对于油画诗意化问题的认识。  【关键词】:女性画家;诗意化;女性形象;风格  谈到油画的诗意化,我们在题材上不得不提到女性形象。
【摘要】:平面艺术设计是一种既充分体现艺术性又能体现实用性的视觉展现,中国悠悠五千年传统文化对中国人的吸引力是巨大的,在平面艺术设计中可以充分将其与中国传统文化结合起来,其中汉字艺术就是可行的结合之一。本文简要分析了汉字和平面艺术设计之间的关系,进而在汉字艺术和平面设计艺术结合的尝试上提出一些建议。  【关键词】:平面艺术设计;汉字艺术;结合  文字是人们从蛮荒走向文明的重要标志,文字的出现代表着
【摘要】:禅宗美学思想一直以来影响着人们的生活质量,甚至影响到我们生活的各个领域。禅宗思想提倡朴素、自然,这些元素被人们逐渐的应用到室内设计中,使得室内文化更加的多样化。本文以创新住宅文化为目标,探讨禅宗的美学思想在现代住宅室内设计中的实际应用,希望为住宅室内设计形式和风格方面的创新提供更多的理论借鉴。  【关键词】:禅宗美学思想;住宅室内设计;实际应用  佛教自从汉明帝永平年间传入中国,不断与中
【摘要】:建筑,是通过人类的造物活动把思维和意识物质化的过程。马克思说,人不仅按照客观规律来创造,而且也按照“美的规律”来创造。建筑就是按照“美的规律”进行创造的活动,因此,建筑是一门艺术。每个人都是艺术家,无论在什么地方,总是会希望把美带到他的生活里去。由此可见,建筑是人类按照客观规律和美的规律进行创造的活动。所以说建筑史也是人类心灵的发展史,每个时代的建筑就是那个时代人类文明的一种标尺。  【
【摘要】:在以木结构为主的中国古代建筑中,窗棂作为建筑构件之一,不仅具有通风、采光等实用功能,也是居宅建筑风格和文化品位的重要体现。本文通过实地考察,对山西常家庄园人和堂等院落建筑窗棂做了考察取证与分类整理,就其造型样式、形式风格等方面作了分析研究,初步探讨了常家庄园窗棂的艺术特色。  【关键词】:常家庄园;窗棂;纹饰;图案形式  窗棂,即窗格(窗里面的横的或竖的格),为中国古代木结构建筑中不可或
【摘要】:摹在新华字典里的解释为:效仿,照着样子做。英文Imitation或者Copy。在柏拉图之前,已经有古希腊学者对摹仿说进行了论述。,“摹仿说”逐渐演绎、融汇和发展,但其中的合理因素仍不断被运用到艺术理论上,促进了艺术的发展。  【关键词】:摹仿;现实的镜子;达芬奇  一、摹仿说早期发展  最早的“摹仿”观念是与原始巫术活动相联系的,指与祭祀活动相联系的音乐和舞蹈的摹仿,毕达哥拉斯学派则认为