Two Frenemy Neighbors

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  There has long existed a misunderstanding for many people that the relationship between Sinic culture and Hsiung-nu was constantly hostile. However, the prosperity of the Silk Road, the management of the Great Wall and other historical records seem to reject such stereotype, on the contrary, indicating a greater complexity than people normally assumed. The following article will try to analyze the hostility and interdependence around Han Dynasty, based on book By Steppe, Desert ? The Birth of Eurasia, and Ocean and article Han Dynasty History.
  To begin with, instead of being reckless as normally assumed, Hsiung-nu’s hostility towards Sinic Culture was deliberate. The first chapter of Han Dynasty History, “Beginnings of Relations with the Hsiung-nu,” recorded a conflict between Central Plain and Xiongnu: when Han Dynasty have just come into power, Xiongnu attacked the capital of a prince of Han Dynasty and marched south to attack Taeyuen, confronting the emperor of Han Dynasty and his army. During the war with Han Dynasty’s emperor, Maou-tun made an appearance of being defeated and fled, alluring the emperor of Han Dynasty leading 320,000 infantries to chase his troop. However, Maou-tun hided about 300,000 best cavalries while the latter eagerly following and surrounded the detachment including the emperor of Han Dynasty for seven days, cutting the communication and food supply between the Chinese army inside and outside the circle. The conflict eventually ended by Han Dynasty’s emperor signing of treaty of peace and friendship and sending a princess of the imperial house to Maou-tun. According to this conflict, it reveals the long-lasting hostility between Han Dynasty and Xiongnu. The outbreak of the war was at the very early stage of Han Dynasty, when the emperor of Han Dynasty did not fully control the army as well as become sophisticated in managing the nation, which indicates Xiongnu’s sustained attention on the political situation and the familiarity of social system of the Central Plain, otherwise there existed no possibility for them to assault Han Dynasty at such delicate time. On the other Han, the leaders of Xiongnu, Maou-tun, represented extraordinary battle wisdom of Xiongnu through the command of his troop, reflecting their sophistication on the employment of stratagems in the battles with Han Dynasty.
  According to the experience of Zhang Qian, the hostility of Hsiung-nu was not only deliberate, but also fierce. As the historical figure mentioned both by the book and the article, Zhang Qian was sent to western central Eurasia, seeking for the alliances with Yuezhi (Yuechi) to fight against the Xiongnu. However, the failure of his mission can be reflected by the Yuezhi’s (Yuechi) rejection of the engagement of the conflicts between Han Dynasty and Xiongnu. The strength of Xiongnu’s army can be reflected by Yuezhi’s (Yuechi) attitude toward Han Dynasty’s invitation. According to the historical records in Han Dynasty History, “Hsiung-nu had overcome the king of the Yue-chi and made a drinking-vessel out of his skull,” which was a great humiliation for Yuezhi (Yuechi). However, Yuezhi (Yuechi) chose to remain neutral in the conflicts with Hsiung-nu instead of allying with Han Dynasty and revenge for their former king, indicating that they were not confident enough even fighting against Xiongnu with Han Dynasty which reflects the strength of Xiongnu’s nomadic army. Additionally, the capture of Zhang Qian by Xiongnu consolidate this statement. According to international traditions, Zhang Qian, as an envoy from China, should be considered as the representation of Chinese emperor. Even in this case, however, Xiongnu detained Zhang Qian and gratuitously imprisoned him for ten years. Xiongnu clearly knew that their behavior might result in the battles between two civilizations while they still capture the envoy without hesitation. The only explanation to detention of Zhang Qian is that Xiongnu was not worried about the wars with Han Dynasty and they were quite confident win victory, which attributes to their mighty army.   From the discussions above, the conflicts between two cultures seem to be drastic and irreconcilable due the difference between their social and political structure. Nevertheless, for the same reasons, Sinics and Xiongnu became highly interdependent on each other.
  Because of pastoralist economy, it was almost impossible for Xiongnu to conduct massive production of light industrial products, which made them rely on Central Plain for many aspects. As mentioned by By Steppe, Desert ? The Birth of Eurasia, and Ocean, “When the Chinese authorities, concerned about the flow of iron weapons from China to the nomads, began to exercise a trade embargo, the social infrastructure supporting the Xiongnu elite came under threat,” Han Dynasty was the major, or the only, source of ironware for Xiongnu society. These sentences indicate that the iron manufacture of Xiongnu was so untenable that they were not even able to fulfill the demand of their citizens, not to mention the weapon production of their nomadic army, which made them extremely rely on Han Dynasty’s iron production. In this case, as a result of trade embargo, the cross-border raiding increased, forcing Han Dynasty to negotiate a treaty, which not only included the reopen for trade, but also underlined the annual tribute of silk, cloth, grain, and foodstuffs. Xiongnu’s request of those common objects reflects the backwardness of their agriculture and manufacture, which seems to be the inevitable result of their nomadic lifestyle. Nevertheless, since Xiongnu need vegetable to supplement their diets and silk as currency to trade along the Silk road, the most accessible option for them is to rely on Han Dynasty, which, as an agricultural civilization, could act as the persistent resource for their requirement. This conclusion is consolidated by the interaction between Han Dynasty and Xiongnu in the later period. When Han dynasty cut off the supply of those material and Xiongnu had to survive on their own source around 133BC, the hitherto centralized confederacy of the Xiongnu immediately collapsed.
  For the same reason that Xiongnu relied on Han Dynasty, Han Dynasty relied on Xiongnu for some aspects as well. As an agricultural civilization, Han Dynasty was unable to provide the fresh grass for their horses, resulting the horses of Han were shorter, weaker, and slower than those of Xiongnu. However, since horse was one of the most critical factors for the battles during that historical period, it would be necessary for Han Dynasty to improve the quality of their horses. By Steppe, Desert ? The Birth of Eurasia, and Ocean states Wu’s attitude towards Xiongnu after the Zhang’s second journey to the west, “the emperor Wu s policy, to take military control of the Western Regions, … …, but he was not slow to recognize the enormous commercial potential of the region. Access to the Ferghana horses was a prime attraction. In 102BC the emperor himself led a military campaign of some sixty thousand men and thirty thousand horses to Ferghana, besieging the capital and gaining a huge haul for the famous blood-sweating horses. Thereafter Ferghana continued to supply the Han court with stallions and mares.” It was rare for ancient Chinese emperors to personally lead his soldiers in a military operation, otherwise they were fascinated by something. western horse was the fascinating stuff in this case. The higher body, stronger muscle, and faster speed made this species much more fatal in the battles than the indigenous horses as well as more attractive for emperor Wu. As a result, Wu hazarded his life and army to the battle with Ferghana, trying to ensure the stable supply of western horses so that the fighting force of Han’s cavalry could be guaranteed.   In conclusion, although the conflicts between the Sinic culture and Xiongnu spiral throughout the history, the unexpected interdependence occurred between two civilization as well, which became the factors that maintained the peace between two civilizations. It would be appreciated that this analysis can provide some reference for heads of states in the modern era, so that they will seek common points while reserving difference when confronting international conflicts and solve the problems without employing violence. In this case, the experience of our ancestors acts as catalyst, promoting the world to develop in a more peaceful way.
  17岁 广州
  Y12 目标专业国际关系
近日,教育部办公厅印发了《关于切实做好校外培训机构专项治理整改工作的通知》,要求各地切实做好校外培训机构整改工作,务求年底全面完成整改。  《通知》指出,校外培训机构治理工作现在已进入整改攻坚期,省级教育行政部门要会同有关部门抓紧完善校外培训机构设置标准,按照标准对培训机构逐一对标研判,完善整改台帐,明确整改具体事项和时间表,实行整改台账销號制度。  《通知》中要求,未取得相应教师资格的学科类教师
新加坡留学发展了18年。这段历史从1990年走到2018年,恰如一个人从出生走到最青春的年纪。  最初,新加坡人被晚清政府称为“南洋人”。这之后,中国的时局跌宕起伏,众多中国人来到了这片面积狭小的土地上,和马来人、印度人,以及许许多多的他国人一起,建造了这样一座令世界瞩目的多元化城市。  “亞洲四小龙之一”,“四大国际金融中心之一”等等称号让它覆盖上了一层又一层的光环,“南洋人”不再是一种略带歧视
根据心理学投射测试,那些口口声声说对洋妞不感兴趣的中国男生,极可能正为洋妞们辗转反侧。别怕!望洋妞兴叹只是心理问题,而且不止你一个。  吃不到“羔羊”的“狼”  “2011年6月1日下午,我坐在好莱坞的一家星巴克旁,半小时内,大约有300个美国女生从我身边经过,但她们中没有一个搭讪我或向我打招呼。”  在某个留学生的原创视频中,有个低沉的男声在用英文念着上述旁白。  这部时长10分钟的微型纪录片片
入行多年,路小宁以“不让家长失望”为己任,无论申请前、申请中,亦或申请后,路小宁始终保持诚实的态度,正确回答家长的疑虑,给出最为真实的答案。在路小宁看来,这是对于“信任”最好的回报。  教育学专业毕业,在学校有着做实习老师的经历,科班出身的专业素养和教育实习的履历让现在作为留学咨询顾问的路小宁,比很多人多了一份耐心和细心,而且更善于跟学生沟通,以及及时捕捉到家长的期望。  是留学咨询规划师 也是学
银联国际日前发布《2017中国出境留学生消费报告》,据《报告》显示,根据银联卡持卡人留学消费测算,中国每年的留学生消费规模至少在3800亿元人民币以上,其中,学费和日常生活费占比超过80%;中国出境留学市场进入平稳增长期,留学目的地多元化、学生低龄化特点日趋明显。  根据《报告》,银联卡作为中国人跨境消费最常用的支付工具,近年来在留学缴费领域的交易金额持续增长。学生和家长不仅用银联卡在Wester
Q:《留学》记者  A:王黔  随着“00后”进入教育市场,越来越多的家庭选择出国留学。留学,使学生体会到其他国家的教育理念与文化,也让其不断建立和完善自己的世界观、价值观、人生观。作为资深人士的IAE China的王老师本期会为大家解读“他眼中的留学”。  Q  请您预测一下,2019年留学国别的趋势有何变化?  A  在2019年,加拿大和英国会大幅度增长,特别是加拿大,我们目前在多伦多设置办
近年随着出国留学家庭日益增多,大部分家长对于留学的态度更多的是“周围人都出国留学了,我家孩子不能落后”。正因如此,家长对于被名校录取了的学生简历及申请材料更加关注,并竭力把自家孩子的简历、活动向这份“模板”靠拢。其实海外留学,无论对于学生,还是一个家庭,都应当是一个慎重的决定。  信息时代“羊群效应”不是个例  由于现代信息的快速发展,我们更快地从网络、社交群了解到某些孩子申上了哈佛或被藤校录取。
“留学行业诚信危机”、“上海卓识成就与武汉谨德教育两家机构之间发生了不良竞争”、“这是一种没有底线的行径”……这些词汇已经成为过去时了。当我们冷静下来时,我们是否想过,这个行业为什么会发生这样的事件?我们在未来的道路上应如何避免类似事件的发生?当此事已不再是人们茶余饭后的谈资时,或许我们应该思忖的,应该是这个行业的发展之道。  记者_风火轮设计_李阳  CIS事件引起了留学行业从业人士的关注。20
“中国正在出现集中爆发式的人力资源发展趋势。这些趋势将影响到企业未来的竞争力。”  -某跨国公司人力资源高级总监  中国正在出现集中爆发式的人力资源发展趋势。比如,外国公司进入中国市场后与中国企业争夺顶级人才;由家族式管理变为职业经理人管理;提升中层管理人员的领导才能和管理技能等,这些趋势将影响到企业未来的竞争力。  因此,为了深入了解高层次人才需求,帮助政府及用人单位吸引和保留优秀人才,朝阳海外
作为老牌留学大国,加拿大的高质量教育、双语环境和移民政策吸引着一批又一批的中国学生。作为此次参展机构数量最多的国家,加拿大留学态势如何?本文对此进行分析解读。  2018年的中国国际教育展,加拿大延续了2017年作为主宾国的强大声势,80多家加拿大各级各类教育机构和相关服务机构悉数到位。  加拿大驻华大使Honoueable John McCallum在2018年2月接受《留学》杂志专访时说道:“