市场部与开发部就一新的安全产品进行讨论,以下是他们的讨论记录: 销售主管:“给我们讲讲这个新的安全产品吧。”工程师:“我们需要6个月的时间,而你只给了我们1个月。所以现在我们能做的就是删除硬盘的内容,除非你是在网上。”销售主管:“如果是在网上会发生什么呢?”工程师:“它会删除每台机器硬盘上的东西。但如果你有一只猫(Modem),它会拨号到你的同伴,然后删除他们PC硬盘上的内容。”销售主管:“那我们称它为Quick Protect(快速保护)”工程师:“而且如果你有声卡,它一定会诅咒你!”
The Marketing Department and the Development Department discussed a new security product. The following is their discussion record: Sales Supervisor: “Let us talk about this new security product.” Engineer: “We need 6 months and you We only gave us one month. So now all we can do is delete the contents of the hard drive, unless you are on the Internet.“ Sales Supervisor: ”What happens if it is on the Internet?“ Engineer: ”It will delete every machine Something on the hard drive, but if you have a modem, it will dial up to your peers and then delete the contents of their PC’s hard drive.“ Sales Director: ”Then we call it Quick Protect“ engineer : ”And if you have a sound card, it will surely curse you!"