孙万鹏坐在我面前,谈笑风生,滔滔不绝。他那红润的面庞泛着健康的光泽。在他的书架上,400万字的灰色理论专著昭示着他的学识的丰厚。谁能想到,这是一个曾经被现代医学宣判过死刑的肝癌患者,又有谁能想到,他的这些论著就是在被宣判死刑之后才开始著述的。 全国最年轻的 农业厅长 孙万鹏1963年毕业于浙江农业大学,1983年就任浙江省农业厅厅长,时年42岁,是当时全国最年轻的农业厅长,被确定为省部级后备干部。
Sun Wanpeng sat in front of me, laughing, forever. His rosy face glows healthily. On his bookshelf, 4 million words of gray theory monographs show his rich knowledge. Who can think of it, this is a liver cancer patients who have been sentenced to death in modern medicine, and who can think of these treatises just after they were sentenced to death. The youngest Minister of Agriculture Sun Wanpeng graduated from Zhejiang Agricultural University in 1963 and became the director of Zhejiang Provincial Agriculture Department in 1983 when he was 42 years old. He was the youngest director of agriculture in the country at that time and was identified as the provincial-level reserve cadre .