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今天的天气真好,老师和小朋友到场地上一起去吹泡泡,每人一个小杯子,一根小管子,杯里盛着肥皂水。「呼——」一下子吹出了一连串的肥皂泡,这些肥皂泡在空中飘飘扬扬,散了开来,原来没有颜色的肥皂泡,在阳光下忽然变成五颜六色的,美丽极了。今天的天气真好,老师和小朋友到场地上一起去吹泡泡,每人一个小杯子,一根小管子,杯里盛着肥皂水。「呼——」一下子吹出了一连串的肥皂泡,这些肥皂泡在空中飘飘扬扬,散了开来,原来没有颜色的肥皂泡,在阳光下忽然变成五颜六色的,美丽极了。「老师,你看!肥皂泡都变成彩色的了!」「这是太阳帮的忙呀!因为太阳有七种颜色,能在肥皂泡上反射出来,所以肥皂泡变成彩色的了。」「老师,我们刚吹出来的肥皂泡是向上升的,怎么一会儿又降下来了?」「肥皂泡里的气体是我们吹进去的,刚吹进去的气体是热的,比空气轻,它就随风升上去了,过了一会儿,肥皂泡里的气体冷了,比空气重了,所以就降下来了。」小朋友吹着美丽的肥皂泡,玩得真高兴啊! 乒乓球瘪了今天体育活动,张老师让小朋友练习打乒乓球。小忠一不小心踩着了乒乓球。小忠捡起球一看,乒乓球瘪了。小忠拿着球,走到张老师跟前说:「张老师,我不小心踩瘪了乒乓球,这可怎么办呢?」张老师拿过乒乓球一看,笑着说:「不要紧,我有办法。」张老师说着,把乒乓球放在一个杯子里,拿起热水瓶往杯子里倒开水。只听见「扑」的一声,乒乓球瘪的地方忽然又重新鼓了起来,又能打了。望着小忠惊奇的眼睛,张老师说:「乒乓球里充满了空气,踩瘪的时候,空气被压紧了,用开水一烫,球里的空气受热后就膨胀了,把踩瘪的地方又撑了起来,所以,乒乓球又圆了。」小忠笑着说:「我懂了。张老师,谢谢您!」 Today’s weather is good, the teacher and children go to the venue together blowing bubbles, each a small cup, a small tube, cup filled with soapy water. “Call -” suddenly blown a series of soap bubbles, these soap bubbles flying in the air, dispersed, the original no color soap bubbles, in the sun suddenly become colorful, very beautiful. Today’s weather is good, the teacher and children go to the venue together blowing bubbles, each a small cup, a small tube, cup filled with soapy water. “Call -” suddenly blown a series of soap bubbles, these soap bubbles flying in the air, dispersed, the original no color soap bubbles, in the sun suddenly become colorful, very beautiful. “Teacher, look! The soap bubbles are all colored!” “This is the sun’s favor! Because the sun has seven colors that reflect on the soap bubbles, the soap bubbles become colored.” “Teacher, the soap bubble we just blow is rising, and then how is it coming down again?” “The gas in the soap bubble was blown in. The gas just blown in was hotter and lighter than the air. The wind rose, and after a while, the gas in the soap bubble was cold and heavier than the air, so it came down. ”The kids are blowing beautiful soap bubbles and I’m really happy! Table tennis is deflated Today’s sports Activity, Teacher Zhang let children practice playing table tennis. Small loyalty accidentally stepping on the table tennis. Xiaozhong picked up the ball to see the table tennis deflated. Xiaozhong took the ball and went to Teacher Zhang and said, “Teacher Zhang, I accidentally stepped on table tennis. How can I do this?” Zhang took a look at the ping-pong ball and said with a smile: “It does not matter, I There are ways. ”Zhang said, put the pingpong in a cup, picked up the thermos and pour water into the cup. Only heard the sound of “flutter”, the place where the ping pong deflated suddenly re-drum up, but also hit. Looking at Xiao Zhong’s surprise eyes, Teacher Zhang said: “The ping-pong ball is full of air. When we tread flat, the air is squeezed, the air is heated and the air in the ball expands after it is heated. The place got up again, so the Ping-Pong ball was round again. ”Xiao Zhong laughed and said:“ I understand, Teacher Zhang, thank you! ”
把“服务”打上引号,那么被服务的主角就会再追加上一个问号——服务在哪儿?将“埋单”打上引号,人们就会品咂出“被埋单”的无奈,或附上期待的省略号……张磊大学毕业六年了,用他的话来说,每年支出的各种费用不计其数,但是只有在打电话时才会产生电话费,用水电时才会缴水电费,打车时才会付打车费。可每年的240元钱档案管理费又得到了什么?最后张磊只当这钱丢了,因为这种事情没地儿说理。  花钱存档,钱去哪儿了  
认识序数的教学 进行序数变式的练习:“序数”是反映序列中每个物体的位置,序列是多样的,序列的方向不是固定的。但序数教学却多是排成整齐的横列,多是从左向右认序数。在初