DRAFT的英文全称是the first rough and incomplete form of something written ,drawn, or planned,意即“草案、草稿、草图”。教师授课时根据课文的情景,设计出主线(main thread)引导学生展开讨论;随后根据课文的主线,找出其事实(facts);再根据主线的事实,找出其成因(causes);最后根据主线事实的成因,找出其结果(effects)。其间,大量使用联想、引申和情景导入等手段,最大限度地拓宽学生的理解空间,鼓励学生在想象的基础上,对思维进行重新整合;设计出多个思考题、讨论题,对情景进行符合逻辑的分析。这种以逆向思维为典型特征,大量使用演绎法,探询作者写作过程的授课方法非常实用,能有效地培养学生的阅读理解能力,提高课堂授课效果。我们在将复杂变得简单的过程中,交替使用了如下手段:
以SEFC 1B Unit 17的READING部分ALONE IN ANTAR-CTICA为例,笔者有意识地使用了DRAFT教学法法,根据课文的情景,设计出三条主线:
①Helen Thayer’s Journey In Antarctica
②Helen Thayer’s Courage
③Helen Thayer’s Virtues
Her Journey Her Courage
Nov,1st,1997:began her journey in AntarcticaFacts:
The first few days: continued her journey
because of good weather and bright sunshineCauses:
The third day:struggled through stormy weather
The next week:stayed in her tent
because of stronger windEffects:
Nov,12th:celebrated her own birthday
A few days later:moved forward over
a slope but fell into a hole
The 22nd day of the expedition:had a bad accident
and gave up her journey
Her Courage
①began her journey in Antarctica alone to celebrated her 60th birthday
②continued her journey in spite of bad weather and falling into a hole
③struggled to put up her tent in spite of a bad accident
①her interest in adventure
② her challenge to herself
③ her love in life
①the first woman to travel alone at the North Pole
②traveled alone in Antarctica
③gave up her journey after a bad accident
Her Virtues:
①her courage to challenge to herself
②her great determination in time of trouble
③her love in life
④her sense of responsibility for her family
⑤her optimistic attitude towards life
①Do you admire Helen Thayer?Why?
②What do you learn from her?
责任编辑:一 觉
以SEFC 1B Unit 17的READING部分ALONE IN ANTAR-CTICA为例,笔者有意识地使用了DRAFT教学法法,根据课文的情景,设计出三条主线:
①Helen Thayer’s Journey In Antarctica
②Helen Thayer’s Courage
③Helen Thayer’s Virtues
Her Journey Her Courage
Nov,1st,1997:began her journey in AntarcticaFacts:
The first few days: continued her journey
because of good weather and bright sunshineCauses:
The third day:struggled through stormy weather
The next week:stayed in her tent
because of stronger windEffects:
Nov,12th:celebrated her own birthday
A few days later:moved forward over
a slope but fell into a hole
The 22nd day of the expedition:had a bad accident
and gave up her journey
Her Courage
①began her journey in Antarctica alone to celebrated her 60th birthday
②continued her journey in spite of bad weather and falling into a hole
③struggled to put up her tent in spite of a bad accident
①her interest in adventure
② her challenge to herself
③ her love in life
①the first woman to travel alone at the North Pole
②traveled alone in Antarctica
③gave up her journey after a bad accident
Her Virtues:
①her courage to challenge to herself
②her great determination in time of trouble
③her love in life
④her sense of responsibility for her family
⑤her optimistic attitude towards life
①Do you admire Helen Thayer?Why?
②What do you learn from her?
责任编辑:一 觉