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迈巴赫以梅赛德斯-迈巴赫之名亮相,首站即是奔驰S级全球最大市场——中国。戴姆勒在华日益找到感觉一般来说,调查结果相比普遍认知总会带来一些大跌眼镜的新鲜点,可11月27日出炉的一份对2014年中国豪华车品牌特性研究的报告没有惊喜,对8大豪车品牌的所有结论都出奇地符合江湖传言,比如哪个品牌车主暴发户多、二奶多,比如哪个品牌车主学历低。这份报告对奔驰车主的描述是:企业家、高品位、成功。据统计在8大 Maybach in the name of Mercedes-Maybach debut, the first stop is the Mercedes-Benz S-class the world’s largest market - China. Daimler is finding a growing presence in China In general, the findings of the survey generally bring some fresh surprises compared to the general perception that a report on the characteristics of China’s luxury car brands in 2014, released on November 27, No surprise, all the conclusions of the 8 big luxury car brands are surprisingly in line with the rumors, such as which brand owners upstart and more, mistresses and more, such as which brand car owners with low qualifications. The report describes the Mercedes-Benz owners are: entrepreneurs, high-grade, successful. According to the statistics in the eight
Using molecular dynamics simulation method, the plastic deformation mechanism of Fe nanowires is studied by applying uniaxial tension along the [110] direction.
于今年1月开业的The Line酒店是由Sydell集团与Roy Choi、The Houston Brothers、Sean Knibb和Poketo联合打造的一家酒店。这栋上世纪中期的建筑由美国Daniel Mann Johnson&M
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Three new o-hydroxy Schiff bases, L_1, L_2 and L_3, were derived from the 1:1 M condensation of substituted salicylaldehyde with tris base and were characterize
奥迪TT clubsport turbo概念车预示了即将推出的新一代奥迪TT RS。新车黑色蜂窝中网立体感更强,于新一代TT凌厉的外观更相衬。酷炫的雾灯设计估计不会在新TT RS上出现了。车