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华兹生是当代美国汉学界最重要、最具代表性的翻译家之一。其译介的汉学典籍多达28部,部分译文还被收入其他汉学英译选集中,成为翻译经典,译介成果斐然。其译文也得到了西方学界的认可,多次获得各类翻译奖项,并受到西方诗人、汉学家与翻译家的高度评价,为当代汉学西传做出了杰出贡献,也对西方汉学界产生了深远影响。华兹生对中国文化典籍的译介是中西文化交流史上的经典案例,对其译介活动及成功经验的考察,有助于启迪我们对中国文化“走出去”战略的理性思考,加深我们对文化外译本质属性的认识。 Watson is one of the most important and representative translators in contemporary sinology in the United States. As many as 28 Chinese-language classics are translated and translated, and some of the translations have also been collected by other Chinese translations of English into Chinese and translated into classic classics. His translations have also been recognized by Western academic circles and won various translation awards on many occasions. He has been highly praised by Western poets, sinologists and translators for his outstanding contribution to contemporary Western Sinology. deep influence. Waltz’s translation of Chinese cultural classics is a classic example in the history of Sino-Western cultural exchanges. The study of his translation activities and successful experiences helps to enlighten our rational thinking on the strategy of “going global” and deepens Our Understanding of the Essential Attributes of Cultural Translation.