未来海战的杀手锏 新概念武器之地球物理武器

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人们在科幻读物和科幻电影中常常会看到这样一些可怖的情景:死光、电火、射束等神秘杀手会使敌手的导弹、火炮、火箭等在瞬间化为灰烬;狂风巨浪、天崩地裂等凶险天象会使敌手的庞大舰队立马陷于万劫而不复的境地;瘟疫、声响等无孔不入的死神会使敌手的千军万马在不知不觉中横尸遍野;而微生物、病毒等看不见的幽灵又会使敌手先进的战斗机群在数秒之间变成一堆废钢烂铁……随着现代军事科学技术的发展,又有谁敢说这些神话般的、乍听起来似乎是痴人说梦的战争场面不会展现在世人面前呢? 近30年来,以美国为代表的世界军事大国在继续完善其核武库的同时,又纷纷投入巨资,殚精竭虑地竞相开发一些足以翻江倒海、惊天动地的杀手锏式武器,以图实现其独步海洋、独霸世界的目的。可以想象,这类新概念兵器一旦投入使用,战争(包括海、陆、空、天、电五维战场)的场面将更加惊心动魄,战争的样式将发生根本性的变化, 整个军事领域必将出现一场人类历史上真正意义的革命。 Such horrifying scenes are often seen in science fiction books and science fiction films: the death kilns, electric fire, beam and other mysterious killers will make rivals’ missiles, artillery, rockets, etc. instantly turn into ashes; Earthshaking earthfloor and other dangerous astronomical phenomena will make the adversary’s fleet immediately plunged untouchable; pestilence, sound and other pervasive death will make the infantry of mighty forces unknowingly cross the corpse; and microorganisms, viruses, etc. look The invisible ghost will turn the adversary’s advanced fighter fleet into a heap of iron and steel in seconds. With the development of modern military science and technology, who would dare to say that these fabulous sounds may at first glance seem like crazy Nearly 30 years ago, the world’s major military powers represented by the United States continued to improve their nuclear arsenals, invested huge sums of money in their efforts to vie with each other in their efforts to develop some earth-shattering killer weapons, In order to achieve its exclusive ocean, the purpose of dominate the world. It is conceivable that the scene of the war (including the five-dimensional battlefields of sea, land, air, space and electricity) will be more soul-stirring once the new concept weapons are put into operation. The style of war will undergo fundamental changes and the entire military area will surely emerge A truly revolutionary human history.
目的 探究胺碘酮在急诊抢救心力衰竭伴快速心房颤动患者中的疗效和安全性。方法 选取我院急诊内科2014年3月~2016年4月收治的82例心力衰竭伴快速心房颤动患者,将其随机分为观