Aristotle, on the one hand, discusses the question of practical philosophy through an empirical dialectic; on the other hand, he presupposes a metaphysical prerequisite in the discussion of the Supreme Being as an intrinsic purposiveness, which leads to Aristotle In the face of the relationship between practical philosophy and metaphysics, Germany is in an ambiguous attitude and falls into a theoretical self-contradiction. The theoretical root cause of this internal paradox lies in that Arcy did not clearly distinguish metaphysics and ethics of epistemology from metaphysics, and thus there is no specific individual good that distinguishes the supreme and empiric meanings of metaphysics. This confusion leads to the concrete good, which has only its own epistemological meaning, to act as a metaphysical good, that is, a concrete good, while also blurring the boundaries between the goodness of the individual and the goodness of the society, leading to the terrorist rule of virtue.