Baccarat(巴卡拉)于1764年法国成立,是历史悠久的品牌。18世纪,Baccarat是法国东部Lorraine区内风景优美,与世无争的村落。当时Metz主教(Bishop of Metz)申请,并由法王路易十五御准创立。1812年至1815年的拿破仑战役(Napoleonic Wars),令它陷入困境。1815年,法国北部另一著名玻璃工场Voneche的主人Aime-Gabriel D’Artigues购买了Baccarat,并延续了高雅品味,及开始钻研水晶生产技术。多年来,它的顾客名单不乏王族政要,如法王路易十八,英国女王等,Baccarat被认为是法国的皇室御用级水晶品牌。Baccarat旗下的水晶产品包罗万象,从家具,灯具,首饰,家居精品,餐具到酒杯也包括在内。
巴卡拉水晶(Baccarat)的历史可追溯到1764年路易十五时期。当时路易十五特许Metz Louis de Montmorency-Laval主教在法国东部小镇Baccarat兴建一座玻璃制造厂,自始,Sainte-Anne便成为法国的著名玻璃制造商的发源地。1816年,工业家Aine-Gabrield’Artigues买下玻璃制造厂,并命名为Baccarat,转为生产水晶制品。1992年,Anne -Claire Taittinger旗下集团Socie`te`du Louvre成为Baccarat最大股东后,蓄意扩大其生产高级水晶的市场,同时致力于发扬传统的精湛手工水晶工艺。现在,Baccarat瑰丽而显赫的各类水晶珍品已经遍及世界各地,因其名贵的用料,灵动多变、紧贴时尚潮流的设计和精致超卓的制作工艺而广受欢迎,已经成为显赫、尊贵的代名词。
During its 240 years of history, Baccarat has developed one of the most beautiful crystal in the world, if not the most beautiful one, thanks to its pureness, its exeptional mastering of reflexion, the finish of its very soft polish far different from that of industrial polish. The beauty and pureness of the material goes along with a handcraft always substained by Baccarat and its Best Workmen. The company has the largest number of this very prestigious entitlement aknowledged by the French Republic : 29 Best Workmen at the factory with about 7 new ones every 3 years. This to maintain the exeptional know-how and the renewal of its workforce : Baccarat has its own school to train youngsters. Since 240 years, Baccarat has been elected by the most prestigious and demanding clients all over the world, which contributes to keep the myth and legend of this french brand. No other brand in the crystal industry has such a reference which highly contributes to the legitimity of this brand. By preserving the excellence of a rare know-how while keeping in tune with the world’s evolution, Baccarat has, from time immemorial, been that privileged place where designers can express their talent in complete freedom, drawing inspiration from the magic of crystal to create objects from the most casual and useful to the most prestigious. This dynamic creative strategy has led big names such as Andrée Putman, Ettore Sottsass and Philippe Starck to collaborate with Baccarat. This highly-maintained creativity concurrs to consecrate Baccarat as a great international luxury brand, more than just a crystalmanufacturer.
The meeting of these two qualities, beauty and pureness, makes of Baccarat the only company in the world able to produce pieces of a very important size, with the very high level of handcraft that they claim for. Besides from clear crystal, Baccarat masters the production of coloured crystal, excelling in deep colours, red being the emblematic colour of the brand.
The disappearing of traditional know-how is no fatality, we do believe that it is possible to keep it alive and even develop it thanks to available contemporary technologies. This human know-how behind every Baccarat product, the same one from the smallest ring to the biggest chandelier, each made by the same hands at the same place in our factory, explains why our prices are quite high.
1930年发生过一件事,后来传成了佳话:古印度瓜寥尔的土邦主(Maharajah de Gwalior)从巴卡拉的工厂里定制了一具水晶吊灯,灯具吊装之后,发生了一件意外的事。他的宫殿屋顶本来不适合吊装这么重的东西,所以灯具刚一吊好,便整个塌落了下来。刚买的吊灯也被摔成了一堆碎片。土邦主生气了,命令人们重修顶棚。修好之后,他想试试这回的顶棚是否结实,便让象群中最重的一头大象在上面走。屋顶安然无恙,于是土邦主又向巴卡拉的工厂定购了一个一模一样的吊灯。
2003年,Baccarat更与反传统的设计师 Philippe Starck(菲利浦-斯塔克) www.philippe-starck.com合作了法国的水晶展馆 Maison Baccarat。 既保存了大宅的古典外形,又增加了时尚气质,把水晶与光线所产生的,发挥得淋漓尽致。大宅拥有巨型水晶镜子,放于在大鱼缸中的巨型水晶灯,高度十足的水晶椅子,及无数的水晶吊灯。