旺苍地处四川盆地北缘、米仓山南麓,辖38个乡镇(管理办),总人口53万人,境内喀斯特地貌特征明显,地势北高南低、中部平缓,是全国重点生态功能区、川陕革命老区、国家扶贫开发工作重点县、秦巴山区连片扶贫开发县、四川省扩权强县试点县和“5·12”汶川特大地震重灾县。根据全国第二次水土流失遥感调查成果及《汶川大地震四川省水土保持专题公报》,旺苍县土地总面积为2987.00 km~2,其中水土流失面积1229.51 km~2,占幅员的41.16%,年侵蚀总量441.51万t,平均侵蚀模数3590.97
Wangcang is located in the northern margin of Sichuan Basin, south of Micangshan, jurisdiction over 38 townships (management office), the total population of 530,000 people, the obvious karst landforms within the terrain north to south high low, flat central, is the national key ecological functions District, the old revolutionary base areas in Sichuan and Shaanxi Province, the focus of national poverty alleviation and development counties, Qinba Mountains Contiguous County Poverty Alleviation and Development counties, Sichuan Province Quan power counties pilot counties and “May 12” Wenchuan earthquake severely affected counties. According to the results of the second national remote sensing survey of soil and water loss and the Special Communique on Soil and Water Conservation of Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province, the total land area in Wangcang County is 2987.00 km ~ 2, of which 1229.51 km ~ 2 is water and soil loss, accounting for 41.16% The total annual erosion was 4.41.51 million tons, with an average erosion modulus of 3590.97