Histone deacetylase HDA710 controls salt tolerance by regulating ABA signaling in rice

来源 :植物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Sunmin
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Plants have evolved numerous mechanisms that assist them in withstanding environmental stresses. Histone deacetylases (HDACs) play crucial roles in plant stress responses;however, their regulatory mechanisms remain poorly un-derstood. Here, we explored the function of HDA710/OsHDAC2, a member of the HDAC RPD3/HDA1 family, in stress tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa). We established that HDA710 lo-calizes to both the nucleus and cytoplasm and is involved in regulating the acetylation of histone H3 and H4, specifically targeting H4K5 and H4K16 under normal conditions. HDA710 tran-script accumulation levels were strongly in-duced by abiotic stresses including drought and salinity, as well as by the phytohormones jas-monic acid (JA) and abscisic acid (ABA). hda710 knockout mutant plants showed enhanced sal-inity tolerance and reduced ABA sensitivity, whereas transgenic plants overexpressing HDA710 displayed the opposite phenotypes. Moreover, ABA-and salt-stress-responsive genes, such as OsLEA3, OsABI5, OsbZIP72, and OsNHX1, were upregulated in hda710 compared with wild-type plants. These expression differences corresponded with higher levels of histone H4 acetylation in gene promoter regions in hda710 compared with the wild type under ABA and salt-stress treatment. Collectively, these results suggest that HDA710 is involved in regulating ABA-and salt-stress-responsive genes by altering H4 acetylation levels in their promoters.
随着经济发展和生活水平的提高,不仅人们的服装色彩发生了很大变化,就连日常的饮食,不少人也讲起了食品的色彩来。这也难怪,民以食为天,而且在数千年传统标准的“色、香、味、形”中,“色”高居其首。色泽鲜艳,风味独特的食品倍受青睐是意料中的事。然而,我们不能不警惕食品中“色”的诱惑。    果冻布丁、果汁饮料的诱惑    色彩缤纷的各种果冻布丁、果汁饮料,往往使孩童们钟爱有加。其实,鲜艳的色彩大都为加入色
(一)  小满是一个喜爱鸽子的14岁孩子。有一天,他因为发烧、盗汗、咳嗽、咯痰、乏力而住进医院。医生先诊断为肺结核病,但是按肺结核病治疗3个月却不见一点好转。后来,医生知道他特别喜爱玩鸽,又进行了专门检查,最终确诊为“嗜鸽者肺”。这个病名听起来怪怪的,其实就是鸟热。此病和肺结核极为相似,国内外都有关于此病误诊误治的报告。  鸟热,过去曾称为“鹦鹉热”,因为最早是在玩鹦鹉者身上发现此病的。其实,其他