Based on the introduction of the concept of virtual water and the input-output model of water resources, the virtual water consumption of urban and rural residents in various industries in China in 2002, 2005 and 2007 is calculated and the trend of the virtual water consumption of urban and rural residents is calculated And the structure and rationality of urban and rural residents’ consumption of virtual water in 2007 were analyzed. Draw the following conclusions: (1) The consumption of virtual water between urban and rural residents is in a declining trend year by year in terms of total amount and per capita amount, but its consumption structure is still irrational, resulting in fewer final demand and Big virtual water consumption situation. ②In terms of total amount or per capita amount, the consumption of virtual water of urban residents is far greater than the consumption of rural residents. Despite the increase in the urban population, as long as the per capita consumption is kept at a relatively large drop, the total amount of virtual water consumed by urban residents can be well controlled. ③ The proportion of agriculture and light industry with large consumption of water in virtual water consumption of urban and rural residents is large, and the proportion of industries consuming less water in heavy industry and service industry is small. From rationality, we should increase the proportion of heavy industry and service industries in the final demand and actively develop agricultural water-saving technologies so as to reduce the consumption of water resources in the economy.