How to Use Games in English Teaching

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  Abstract:Games can create a cheerful environment and stimulate students’ interest
  Key words:English teaching,game,children
  中圖分类号:G623.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-8882(2014)10-002-01
  English games for grammar
  Grammar is really important in learning another language.Though grammar is abstract and uninteresting,the teachers may make it vivid and interesting by using games.For example,while teaching the present continuous tense,the teacher can act as the follows.
  Before teaching grammar,the teacher can only do some actions.Then,he or she writes all these words on the blackboard and asks students to act them out.After that,the teacher tells them to try to sum up the basic grammatical form.If one or two students could not follow,more practice is needed.
  The role of the teacher in playing game is to lead students to learn.Leading well equals to learning well.As long as the students like the teacher’s new teaching method,they can take an active part in learning.
  English games for vocabulary and phrases
  The following is how to teach new words.When teaching some words of fruit,the teacher could put some fruits on his desk.Here are ways in which teacher will use the game-aids in terms.
  The rule of the game is that who learns the names first,who could get it.The teacher asks students to guess how to read the names of these fruits and tells them the rule.Students would look at the teacher excitedly,thinking about the words.The teacher reads and spells the names of the fruit one by one and asks students to read after him or her.Then,the teacher could ask students to read as they write these words three times in their exercise book,as writing is a really effective way to memorize things.Finally,the teacher could ask students to make some sentences with the new words.A reward is necessary to enforce the effect of the game.
  English games for sentence patterns
  In the way of playing games,the student can remember sentences well and they can grasp the pattern drills easily.Firstly,they have a sense that they are doing something true so they “forget” that they are learning.Secondly,games offer a chance for them to communicate not only with their teacher,but also with other students,which makes the learning situation active.
  Even in teaching abstract words,game playing can work well in helping the students and may make learning easier than teaching without games.
  In sum,games can provide favorable usages for extended communicative practice of a foreign language.They are both motivating and challenging.They encourage students to interact and communicate.
  Reference List:
  [1]Johnson,A.P.(1998).How to use creative dramatics in the classroom.Journal of the Association for Childhood Education International,75,2-6.
  [2]Hegele,I.(1985)Child-centered or science –oriented:alternatives for primary education.Children’s games and their knowledge of rules Madrid:Spain educational research workshop
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