比才的作品中跳动着灵感的火花,按照研究比才的学者温顿·迪安(Winton Dean)的说法,“比才将天才分为两种:一种是理性的,他们绞尽脑汁地将素材放入一定的形式之中,这种与感性的斗争贯穿创作始终(如米开朗琪罗、贝多芬等);另一种则更为自然,内心的表达丝毫不受到意志的阻碍(如拉斐尔、莫扎特、罗西尼)。”比才承认自己更像后者,无疑那些经典作品都是作者情感的真实表达。
Have you thought about what you want to be when you grow up? Maybe a firefighter? Or a ballet dancer? What do your parents think of that? History is full of composers who wanted to be composers, but their parents said
“absolutely not!” Well believe it or not, Georges Bizet’s parents actually wanted him to be a composer.
When Bizet was born in 1838 in Paris, France, his parents had three first names picked out for him, none of them Georges. He was supposed to be called
Alexandre César Léopold, César for short, but his
godfather thought that was ridiculous[荒谬的], so Bizet was baptized[给人施洗礼] Georges, French for George. Bizet’s
father was a wigmaker[假发制作者] who then became a
singing teacher, don’t ask me how those are related, and Bizet’s mother was a pianist.
Georges Bizet grew up surrounded by music. When he was four, his mother taught him to read music at the same time as he learned to read words. Bizet loved books. In fact, his parents thought he loved them too much. They were so gung-ho[热心的,卖力的] on his becoming
a composer that, at one point, they hid his books so that he’d spend more time with music. When Bizet was just ten, his father got him into the Paris Conservatory[音乐学校].
While he was a student there, Bizet wrote his only symphony注.
Between all the stories he read and all the singers he heard his father teach, it’s no wonder that Georges Bizet started composing operas. One of his early ones was called The Pearl Fishers.
(excerpt from The Pearl Fishers)
But Bizet’s most famous opera is about a Spanish gypsy named Carmen.
(excerpt of “Habanera”)
That’s the famous “Habanera,” which Bizet didn’t actually write. It’s by a Spanish composer named Yradier. Carmen
loves to flirt[调情]. In the “Habanera,” she sings about love, and warns men that if they’re not interested in her, she’ll be interested in them; but if she gets interested in them, they’d better watch out. One of the men who gets interested in Carmen is Escamillo, a bullfighter.
(excerpt of “Song of the Toreador”)
That’s Escamillo’s big aria[咏叹调], or solo, about the life of a toreador, Spanish for bullfighter. I’m kind of fond of this version of the “Song of the Toreador.” I have no idea who came up with these words:
Don’t spit on the floor-o
Use the cuspidor[痰盂]-o
That’s what it’s for-o
When the opera Carmen first opened in Paris, the reviews were terrible. Lots of critics thought there were no good tunes in the opera, can you believe that? And audiences stayed away in droves[成群结队,陆陆续续]. In the middle of the night, during the first round of Carmen
performances, Bizet died. He was only 36. Too bad he didn’t live another four months, because when Carmen opened in Vienna, it was a smash hit. Since then, people have arranged and rearranged the music from Carmen, which turned out to be one of the most popular operas ever.
塞萨尔·利奥波德”,简称“塞萨尔”。但是他的教父认为这个名字太荒唐了,于是比才最后以“Georges” ——即法文的“乔治”受洗。比才的父亲是一位假发制作工匠,后来成为了一名歌唱老师(别问我这两种职业是怎么联系到一起的),母亲则是一位钢琴师。
比才的作品中跳动着灵感的火花,按照研究比才的学者温顿·迪安(Winton Dean)的说法,“比才将天才分为两种:一种是理性的,他们绞尽脑汁地将素材放入一定的形式之中,这种与感性的斗争贯穿创作始终(如米开朗琪罗、贝多芬等);另一种则更为自然,内心的表达丝毫不受到意志的阻碍(如拉斐尔、莫扎特、罗西尼)。”比才承认自己更像后者,无疑那些经典作品都是作者情感的真实表达。
Have you thought about what you want to be when you grow up? Maybe a firefighter? Or a ballet dancer? What do your parents think of that? History is full of composers who wanted to be composers, but their parents said
“absolutely not!” Well believe it or not, Georges Bizet’s parents actually wanted him to be a composer.
When Bizet was born in 1838 in Paris, France, his parents had three first names picked out for him, none of them Georges. He was supposed to be called
Alexandre César Léopold, César for short, but his
godfather thought that was ridiculous[荒谬的], so Bizet was baptized[给人施洗礼] Georges, French for George. Bizet’s
father was a wigmaker[假发制作者] who then became a
singing teacher, don’t ask me how those are related, and Bizet’s mother was a pianist.
Georges Bizet grew up surrounded by music. When he was four, his mother taught him to read music at the same time as he learned to read words. Bizet loved books. In fact, his parents thought he loved them too much. They were so gung-ho[热心的,卖力的] on his becoming
a composer that, at one point, they hid his books so that he’d spend more time with music. When Bizet was just ten, his father got him into the Paris Conservatory[音乐学校].
While he was a student there, Bizet wrote his only symphony注.
Between all the stories he read and all the singers he heard his father teach, it’s no wonder that Georges Bizet started composing operas. One of his early ones was called The Pearl Fishers.
(excerpt from The Pearl Fishers)
But Bizet’s most famous opera is about a Spanish gypsy named Carmen.
(excerpt of “Habanera”)
That’s the famous “Habanera,” which Bizet didn’t actually write. It’s by a Spanish composer named Yradier. Carmen
loves to flirt[调情]. In the “Habanera,” she sings about love, and warns men that if they’re not interested in her, she’ll be interested in them; but if she gets interested in them, they’d better watch out. One of the men who gets interested in Carmen is Escamillo, a bullfighter.
(excerpt of “Song of the Toreador”)
That’s Escamillo’s big aria[咏叹调], or solo, about the life of a toreador, Spanish for bullfighter. I’m kind of fond of this version of the “Song of the Toreador.” I have no idea who came up with these words:
Don’t spit on the floor-o
Use the cuspidor[痰盂]-o
That’s what it’s for-o
When the opera Carmen first opened in Paris, the reviews were terrible. Lots of critics thought there were no good tunes in the opera, can you believe that? And audiences stayed away in droves[成群结队,陆陆续续]. In the middle of the night, during the first round of Carmen
performances, Bizet died. He was only 36. Too bad he didn’t live another four months, because when Carmen opened in Vienna, it was a smash hit. Since then, people have arranged and rearranged the music from Carmen, which turned out to be one of the most popular operas ever.
塞萨尔·利奥波德”,简称“塞萨尔”。但是他的教父认为这个名字太荒唐了,于是比才最后以“Georges” ——即法文的“乔治”受洗。比才的父亲是一位假发制作工匠,后来成为了一名歌唱老师(别问我这两种职业是怎么联系到一起的),母亲则是一位钢琴师。