从改革开放至今,中国一直是反倾销措施的受害国,经常被指控进行倾销。最近几年,我们逐渐认识到了我国制定反销法来保护我国国内工业,防止对我倾销的不公平竞争行为的重要性。1997年3月25日,在参照了美国、欧盟等反倾销立法和世界贸易组织反倾销守则的基础上。我国颁布了《中华人民共和国反倾销和反补贴条例》,为我国采取反倾销措施提供了法律依据。 中国的反倾销立法采用《条例》的形式,虽然规定的较为笼统,但基本包括了反倾销的绝大部分问题。下面就实体和程序方面的规定作一简单介绍。
Since the reform and opening up to the present, China has always been a victim of anti-dumping measures and is often accused of dumping. In recent years, we have gradually realized the importance of our country’s counter-sales law to protect our domestic industry and prevent unfair competition from dumping. March 25, 1997, based on the anti-dumping legislation of the United States, the European Union and the World Trade Organization anti-dumping rules. China has promulgated the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Anti-dumping and Anti-subsidy Regulations,” which provides a legal basis for China to take anti-dumping measures. China’s anti-dumping legislation adopts the form of the “Regulations”. Although the rules are relatively general, most of the problems of anti-dumping are basically included. The following is a brief introduction to the entity and procedural requirements.