Capturing theSpirits of Nanning

来源 :中国-东盟博览(旅游版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:icerjack
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  Beneath billowing clouds, in China’s far southwestern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, lies a place of peace, free and pleasure. As the ancient customs mingle with new ambitions, Nanning has undergone great changes for the past few years. However, the spirits of this city will be kept as before.
  When the sun rises, countless people living in Nanning start their days with a bowl of porridge or Laoyou Rice (Old Friend) Noodles, refreshing themselves and savoring the taste of life. By evening, a large crowd of people head to the Nanhu Lake Park, relaxing and entertaining themselves after a busy day. With breezes from the lake, the sun is setting into the park where the elderly people are chatting on the bridge... Populated by different ethnic groups such as Han and Zhuang nationalities, Nanning has created an atmosphere of openness, tolerance and creativity.
  A vast melting-pot of different ethnic groups
  There is an old saying in China: separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination. Nanning is so charming that all young people have a deep fascination with her. And an endless stream of fresh blood are always infusing into the cultural center of Guangxi. When you are walking casually around a street or dining in a restaurant in Nanning, you can hear many different languages: Zhuang dialect, Ping dialect, Nanning Bai dialect, Cantonese… As time goes on, the Zhang and Ping dialects are rarely used by the locals.
  Attracted by its beautiful subtropical scenery and youthful energy, people from other places are gathering here, forming a mixing-pot of different ethnic groups. Culturally speaking, it is home to about 30 ethnic groups, such as Han, Zhuang, Miao, Yao, Dong, Lisu, Lahu, Hani, Jingpo and Mulao. The Han people live in harmony with Guangxi’s minorities here, creating profound cultural heritage and folkways.
  Deeply influenced by the the locals’ spirits of openness and tolerance, not surprisingly, the traditional customs of each minority group have been maintained in Nanning where visitor can enjoy the firsthand music, dance, art and even fireworks of the local people.
  Furthermore, many universities and colleges are located in Nanning, including Guangxi University, Guangxi Medical University, Guangxi Teachers Education University and Guangxi University for Nationalities, etc., thus constantly increasing the vitality of this city and laying a solid foundation for a more open and inclusive culture.   Indulging yourself in irresistible delicacies
  The best way to approach Nanning is to experience all sorts of snacks and foods. The taste of this city lies wherever you rest your soul, from a large-scale restaurant to a small time-honored store. And a bite of local breakfast will allow you a longer stay on this beautiful and amazing land.
  Taste, as a saying goes, is actually a memory of culture. Therefore, the local specialties would offer outsiders a glimpse of local culture. Generally speaking, the eating habits of Nanning are influenced by its diverse population and climate. Chongqing hot pot, Muslim-style food, Xinjiang-style noodles, vegetarian restaurant, Guangxi style food, Cantonese cuisine can be easily found in Nanning. Delicious local foods such as various porridges and rice noodles are favored by most people and the authentic Suanye (fermented fruits and vegetables) cannot be enjoyed anywhere else in the country.
  In Nanning, traditional local specialties tend to lay stress on the features of fresh, light taste, tender, smooth and nutrition. And local delicacies represented by lemon duck, Laoyou (Old Friend) Noodles and sticky rice products of different flavors should not be missed.
  When night falls, Nanning is lit up by colorful street lamps. What a colorful and bustling world it is! Of course, Zhongshan Delicacy Street must be at the top of your travel list. It is a traditional delicacy street where you can enjoy all kinds of snacks both inside and outside Guangxi. Every night after 9:00 PM, the street is crowed and bright as daytime, forming a special sight for Nanning.
  Sunset glow over the Nanhu Lake
  If you want to slow the pace of life, Nanning would be a better choice. When walking on the riverside of Nanhu Lake, sometimes you will find that two men are playing Chinese Chess under a tree, with a crowd of onlookers standing beside quietly. In the near square, some elderly people are playing Tai Chi Chuan which combines techniques of self-defense and health-keeping. What a leisure life it is!
  Nanhu Lake, a pearl seated in the southeast of Nanning, is an ideal place to entertain yourself. Either paddling in the lake or fishing along the lake can offer you an escape from the pressure of city life indeed. Lushly growing subtropical trees, blooming flowers, bamboo rustled in the wind and crystal clear lake will make you gasp in admiration in this fairyland.
  Adhering to the principle of putting people first, Nanning is making efforts to push ahead with the construction of the “Green City of China” and create a favorable macro environment for its sustainable development. Through unremitting efforts made by a few generations, Nanning will be built into a more vigorous, open, charming and harmonious city.   Walking along the bridge cross the Nanhu Lake, you can fully appreciate the stunning sunsets. During weekend mornings, you could meet some good friends and head to the Lake for a picnic; or a visit to the Zhongshan Delicacy Street would enliven your palate. Either way, the spirits of Nanning can be captured by you.
  Local delicacies
  Laoyou (Old Friend) Noodles:
  Legend has it that an old man went to Zhou’s Teahouse everyday and made friends with the boss Mr. Zhou. One day he was absent with a cold. And then Mr. Zhou cooked a bowl of noodles with spicy ground garlic, lobster sauce, chili, sour bamboo shoots, ground beef and pepper for his sick friend. After finishing the noodles, the sick man began to sweat profusely and recovered from illness. Like an old friend, the noodles can make weary eaters comfortable, hence its name. With the function of eliminating dampness and improving your appetite, the noodles are warmly welcomed by the locals.
  Suanye (Fermented Fruits or
  Vegetables): It adopts seasonal fruits and vegetables, such as local-produced papaya, turnip, cucumber, lotus root, broccoli, pineapple, etc.Sour and savory, this snack is helpful to stimulate your appetite and has been popular for centuries.
  Lemon Duck: It is a specialty in Wuming County. Due to its climate, the locals have developed a special affection for ducks. Sour and spicy, the favor is heavy at the first chaw, with a special smell of lemon. With the help of lemon, the fishy smell can be clear away.
  Fenjiao (Dumpling): It is renowned in Nanning. The stuffing is made up of ground meat, mushroom and chestnut. With bright, clear and thin skin, it tastes sweet, refreshing and delicious.
编者按:  自中老两国建交以来,中国在力所能及的范围内,采取无偿援助、无息贷款或优惠贷款等方式向老方提供援助,领域涉及物资、成套项目援助、人才培训及技术支持等。其中的项目,既有医院、公园、通信卫星等与百姓福祉息息相关的民生项目,也有文化宫、机场、公路等改善老挝城市现代化形象的基础工程,当中有不少都作为“中国送给老挝人民的礼物”被人们铭记。从一砖一瓦,到一尺一丈,这些项目在老挝的版图上越发鲜亮,也注
如今,仍有许多老挝人没有搭乘过火车。目前一段长3.5公里,全程行驶时间15分钟,连接泰国经泰老友谊桥至万象南部的塔纳廊的铁路是老挝境内唯一的一条铁路。但待2021年12月,中(昆)老(万)铁路(以下简称中老铁路)全线通车后,这样的境况将一去不复返。  逢山开路,遇水架桥  中老铁路北起中国昆明,南连老挝万象,跨越山河延绵1013公里。作为跨国铁路,通车后人们将能实现搭火车游中国、老挝、泰国的愿望。
有这样一个国家,她被评为“最不发达国家之一”,曾经极度贫困、百废待兴——这是老挝,一个深藏故事的国度;还有这样一个国家,如今街道商铺林立、国计民生在革新中不断发展,《星洲日报》称赞她为“现代化与神秘感兼具的净土”——这也是老挝,一个加速发展的万象之邦。  走进老挝,人们会发现它早已带着历史的印记从风霜与疮痍中走出,低调务实地谱写着社会进步的全新篇章,全力以赴地镌刻着人民幸福的新时代映像。  “老挝
在担任第17届中国—东盟博览会主题国之后,2021年9月,老挝将继续以第18届东博会主题国的身份闪亮登场。恰逢中老两国建交60周年,本届东博会对中老两国都颇有意义。  而回顾第17届东博会,虽然受新冠肺炎疫情影响,但老挝共办东博会的积极性沒有丝毫减弱:从国家领导人线上出席东博会开幕大会并致辞、老挝驻华大使亲临广西南宁参加主题国系列活动;到老挝国家领导人与中国企业CEO圆桌对话会、老挝—中国投资推介
建筑材料是中国与东盟贸易合作的热门行业之一。随着东盟各国经济发展,各国基础设施建设力度加大,建筑业迅速成长,对建筑材料的需求与日俱增。中国又是建筑材料生产和消费大国,近年来,建材产品质量不断提高,能源和原材料消耗逐年下降,新型建材不断涌现,产品升级换代,让中国绿色建材成为中国—东盟博览会上(以下简称东博会),东盟客商采购的新热点。  记者从东博会秘书处获悉,第18届东博会建筑材料展区仍采取“实体展
“全世界都在学中国话,孔夫子的话越来越国际化……”这首曾经红遍大江南北的歌曲里所描述的“汉语热”,如今在东南亚正渐渐照进现实:柬埔寨派往中国高校学习汉语的专业人员逐年增加,马来西亚非华裔学习汉语的人数从2016年的16%增至2020年的32%,泰国把汉语水平考试纳入国家统一考试中……这让我们有理由相信,歌曲里唱的那句“全世界都在讲中国话”将不仅仅是一句歌词。  在东南亚,越来越多人在讲“中国话” 
2021年4月10日,车次为T8712的特快列车从北海站驶向防城港北站,这趟自2014年开行的往返于北海、钦州、防城港(以下简称北钦防)三市的特快列车,在这天走完了7年行驶生命的最后里程。随着广西钦州至钦州东联络线的开通运营,防城港与北海间没有直达动车的历史就此结束,这趟“看海专线”的绿皮车完美谢幕,取而代之的是将北钦防三市串连成线的动车组列车。  北部湾城市群的动车联网运行,意味着中国“八纵八横
迎着和煦的春风,玻璃墙面的大厦前,中国与东盟各国的国旗正迎风招展。中国(广西)自由贸易试验区(以下简称广西自贸试验区)建设指挥部的指挥长、中国—东盟博览会秘书处秘书长、东盟各国驻南宁总领事及商务参赞等领导嘉宾齐聚一堂,预示着即将在这里举办的活动不一般。  2021年4月25日,中国—东盟经贸中心(以下简称经贸中心)在中国(广西)自由贸易试验区南宁片区举行了揭牌仪式。在与会嘉宾的共同见证下,写着“中
当你在出差或度假时,你最看重的是什么?在BCG咨询公司的最新民调中,“所入住酒店的体验感”以42%的受访者比例高票当选首位。而在旅游业被长期当作经济支柱之一的东南亚地区,一家好酒店对于吸引消费者的重要性更是不言而喻。  根据泰国新闻网站sanook2021年3月底公布的数据来看,预计未来3年内东南亚酒店业的产值估价可达到170亿美元,将吸引全球中产消费人数超过3.5亿。向好的发展预期让本土酒店业提
60年长吗?在人类历史的诗卷里不过字句而已。60年短吗?它足以让一些人天各一方,让少年白头,伟人成长。时光在人身上留下的印记最深浅难忘。当我们翻阅中老两国建交60年的记忆,我们想讲一些关于人的故事。  这些人里,有中老建交的奠基者、筑路者和见证者。在他们的故事里,中老的友好情谊是那用心写下的一字一句,是一个久别重逢的拥抱,是一方一寸的红瓦白墙。在这些故事里,国之邦交变得可感可亲,在这些故事里,60