This year our team a total of 1,250 acres of cotton, generally well-grown, the average density of 3,232 acres per acre, an average of 17 fruiting branches, each existing fruiting 32.17, with 70 bolls of seed cotton yield calculation 55 pound, 64 pound in general). It is estimated that 575.64 kg of lint per mu will be produced, of which 22.42 mu will have a density of 3,500-5,000 and 54 trees per existing peach (there are 12 flower buds not included) 1,643.94 kg of lint. Access to the history of the city has not been a harvest. Before the liberation of the highest yield in our village in 1936, 53 pounds of lint per mu. Yield 10 times, 1957 lint 160 kg mu yield 2.5 times.