
来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biote | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu8521
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研究目的:心脏破裂是急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死最严重的并发症之一,病情凶险,死亡率高。通过明确心肌梗死后出现心脏破裂并发症的危险因素,早期识别心脏破裂高危人群,有利于在急性心肌梗死的早期采取干预措施以减少心脏破裂的发生。创新要点:既往缺乏对中国ST段抬高型心肌梗死继发心脏破裂的系统风险评估,本研究采用回顾性队列研究的方法,完善并健全中国多中心的急性心肌梗死数据库,样本总量达到9798例,为国内同类研究中样本量最多。既往的国外文献报道:女性、高龄、心梗后就诊时间延迟、前壁心肌梗死、溶栓治疗等是心肌梗死后心脏破裂的独立危险因素。本研究在中国人群验证以上危险因素的基础上首次提出就诊时血色素下降及白细胞计数的升高与随后发生的心脏破裂密切相关。新的心脏破裂预测因素的发现有利于对心脏破裂更精细化的危险分层,早期识别心脏破裂高危人群。研究方法:建立中国多中心心肌梗死数据库,比较发生心脏破裂与未发生心脏破裂患者临床特点的差异,筛选敏感特异的心脏破裂的独立预测因素。重要结论:中国人群急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死后心脏破裂的发生率是1.82%,独立预测因素主要包括:高龄、女性、就诊时静息心率增快、前壁心肌梗死、心功能不全、就诊时间延迟、肾功能不全、贫血与白细胞计数升高。本文第一次提出就诊时贫血状态及白细胞计数的升高时与心脏破裂的发生直接相关。 Research purposes: Cardiac rupture is one of the most serious complication of acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, with dangerous condition and high mortality rate. By identifying the risk factors for cardiac rupture complications after myocardial infarction, early identification of high risk of heart failure crowd is conducive to early intervention in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction to reduce the incidence of heart rupture. Innovative points: The lack of a systematic risk assessment of secondary heart failure secondary to ST-elevation MI in China. In this study, a retrospective cohort study was conducted to improve and perfect the Chinese multicentre AMI database. The total sample size was 9,798 For example, for the domestic sample of the same type of research most. Previous foreign literature reports: women, elderly, delayed treatment after myocardial infarction, anterior myocardial infarction, thrombolytic therapy is an independent risk factor for heart failure after myocardial infarction. This study is based on the Chinese population to verify the above risk factors based on the first proposed at the time of treatment, hemoglobin and leukocyte count rise is closely related to subsequent heart failure. The discovery of new predictors of cardiac rupture favors stratification of the more delicate heart rupture and early identification of at-risk heart ruptures. Methods: To establish a database of multicentre myocardial infarction in China and compare the clinical features of patients with and without heart rupture to screen independent predictors of heart-specific and sensitive heart rupture. Important conclusions: The incidence of heart rupture after acute STEMI in Chinese population was 1.82%. The independent predictors mainly included elderly and females. The resting heart rate, anterior myocardial infarction, cardiac dysfunction, Delay in treatment time, renal insufficiency, anemia and elevated white blood cell count. This is the first time that the proposed treatment of anemia and elevated white blood cell count is directly related to the occurrence of heart rupture.
本文简要综述了近几年在系统性红斑狼疮治疗中新型免疫抑制剂的应用以及各种生物治疗方法的进展。 This article briefly reviews the recent years in the treatment of sy
目的 评价葛根素治疗糖尿病周围神经病变的疗效和安全性。方法 按照国际Cochrane协作网的系统评价方法 ,通过对Cochrane图书馆临床对照试验库 (2 0 0 3年第 1期 )、Medline
袁浩校长是我的恩师。虽然,我没有在北京东路小学读书、工作,也不曾很正式地拜过师,但,一路走来,或欢笑,或伤心,或彷徨,或昂扬,总有袁校长的关注、引导和鼓励。袁校长以他的率真、睿智、高尚,给了我教育和启迪,给了我智慧和力量。  初识袁校长,是在北小的校园里。带着虔诚的心,慕名而来,学习如何教作文。惊讶于北小孩子们对写作的那份热爱和敏锐,一篇篇观察日记,充满着生活的情趣,飞逸着纯真的童心,字里行间,分
瘦素 (Leptin)是人和动物肥胖基因编码的一种多靶器官、多功能的分泌型蛋白激素 ,它主要由体内白色脂肪组织合成、分泌 ,进入血液循环后游离或与瘦素运转蛋白结合 ,通过与定
摘要 生成和预设是一对相互矛盾、相互依存的统一体,它们共同呈现在我们的教学之中,预设中有生成,生成中有预设。预设时,教师应关注教材的联系,关注学生的基础,关注课堂的变化,精心地预设课堂教学环节,并与生成有机地结合起来,以使数学课堂教学充满激情与智慧。  关键词 有效生成 环节预设 数学教学 方案探索  凡事预则立,不预则废。教学活动是有计划、有目标的活動。预设可以使课堂教学更加有效,没有充分