因为土壤和气候的多样性,西班牙有世界上最绵长的葡萄种植区,并且能够生产相当多种类的葡萄酒。在西班牙,几乎所有的村庄都有很长的葡萄酒生产传统和消费习惯。其历史最早可以追溯到3,000年以前。在基督纪元开始之时,西班牙葡萄酒已成为地中海及北非地区交易量最大的商品之一。 西班牙在地理位置上,三面环海,气候型态属地中海型气候及海洋性气候,配合当地的黏土,所产生的葡萄酒以口感细致闻名,并且具有酒精浓度高、酒力
Because of the diversity of soils and climates, Spain has the longest growing grape regions in the world and is capable of producing a considerable variety of wines. In Spain, almost all villages have long winemaking traditions and spending habits. Its earliest history dates back 3,000 years. At the beginning of the Christian era, Spanish wines became one of the most traded commodities in the Mediterranean and North Africa. Spain geographically, surrounded by the sea on three sides, the climate is a Mediterranean-type climate and maritime climate, with the local clay, the wine produced by the taste of well-known, and has a high alcohol concentration, alcohol