楸树Catalpa bungei,C.A.Mey.(亦称梓、梓桐、木王、金丝楸、线楸等)。“梓或作仔、楸类,一名木王……木莫良子梓”。楸树生于山谷间,今处处有之,与梓树木同末异,本草李时珍云“楸即梓之赤者也”。《諀雅》云,“楸美木也”,又曰“按楸有行列,茎干乔耸凌云,华(花)高可爱,至秋垂条线,俗谓之楸线”。“其木湿时脆,燥则坚,良木也,曰皮及叶味苦,小寒无毒,主治吐逆、杀三虫及皮肤病,敷恶疮疽痈肿,除脓血,生肌肤,长筋骨,有拔毒排脓之功,为外科要药”。 楸树在我国栽培已有2600年以上的历史,例如诗经“鄘风”篇中云“树之榛、栗、椅、桐、梓、漆、爱伐琴瑟”;《小雅》“维桑与梓”;庄子:“宜楸、柏、桑”;史记:“淮北常山以南,河济之间千树楸”;《菊谱丛语》“汝州楸树极多”;《淮南子》“乐器之材必轻而脆,弹弦而发声”。这说明古人对楸树的栽培及利用十分重视,称之为木中之王,就是现在也深受广大群众的欢迎。 楸树为落叶乔木,高达30米,胸径60多厘米,树冠窄长呈尖塔形,树干端直雄伟,花朵美丽,为优良用材和观赏树种,性喜深厚肥沃湿润土壤并能耐稍带盐碱之地,但不耐瘠薄,
Catalpa bungei Catalpa bungei, C.A.Mey. (Also known as Catalpa, Catalpa tree, wood, Catalpa bungei, Catalpa bungei, etc.). “Zi or make Aberdeen, Catalpa class, a wooden king ... Mu Mo-liang Zi.” Catalpa tree was born in the valley, nowhere in the world, and catalpa trees with the same end, the Materia Medica Li Shi Zhen Yun “Catalpa is Azalea also red.” “Ya Ya” cloud, “Catalpa wood also,” also said “according to rows of rowan, stem Joe towering clouds, China (flowers) high cute, to the autumn vertical lines, popular called Catalpa line.” “The wood when the wet crisp, dry is firm, good wood also, said the skin and leaves bitter, non-toxic Osamu, attending vomiting, killing three insects and skin diseases, ulcer swollen boils, in addition to purulent blood, raw skin , Long bones, the power of drainage pus, surgical medicine. ” Catalpa bungei has been cultivated in our country for more than 2600 years. For example, in the poem “Breeze of the Wind”, the tree of “Hazel, Chestnut, Chair, Tong, Azusa, Chi ”; Chuang Tzu:“ Yuki, cypress, mulberry ”; Historical Records:“ South of Changshan in Huaibei River, between thousands of tree Catalpa ”;“ Chrysanthemum cluster language ”“ Catalpa tree ”;“ Huainanzi ” “The material of the instrument will be light and brittle, playing the strings and sounding.” This shows that the ancients pay great attention to the cultivation and utilization of Catalpa bungei, call it the king of wood, which is now also welcomed by the masses. Catalpa tree deciduous trees, up to 30 meters, more than 60 cm in diameter at breast height, narrow canopy is spire-shaped, the trunk straight and majestic, beautiful flowers, for the excellent timber and ornamental tree species, like hi deep and fertile soil moist and resistant to salinity with a little However, impatient barren,