
来源 :土壤通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong529
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土壤盐渍化和次生盐碱化是制约黄河三角洲农业可持续发展的关键障碍因子,了解和评估耕地土壤盐分的时空动态是对其进行科学利用和改良的前提。本文以黄河三角洲滨海盐碱地棉田为研究对象,在降水集中月份前后用EM38-MK2大地电导率仪测量了棉花两个关键生育期土壤根系层0~0.375 m和0~0.75 m剖面的土壤表观电导率,深入分析了棉花根区土壤表观电导率在空间上的分布特征与影响因素。结果表明:1)在降雨前后,黄河三角洲滨海土壤盐分空间变异较大,达到或超过中等变异水平;2)通过对大地电导率进行校正,排除影响其读数的干扰因素影响,大地电导率能快速表征0~0.375 m/0~0.75 m两个关键层次土壤盐分状态,可有效用于滨海棉田的土壤盐渍化的监测和评估;3)结合黄河三角洲地区地形地貌特征、降水蒸发、作物综合长势等因素的区域调查,作者认为在区域尺度上,优化土地利用格局,加强农田基本水利建设;在田间尺度上,加强土地平整和灌排配套等措施是治理和改良滨海盐碱土的基础。 Soil salinization and secondary salinization are the key barriers to agricultural sustainable development in the Yellow River Delta. Understanding and assessing the spatio-temporal dynamics of soil salinity in arable land is a prerequisite for their scientific utilization and improvement. In this paper, the coastal saline-alkali soil cotton field in the Yellow River Delta was selected as the study object. The soil electrical conductivity of 0 ~ 0.375 m and 0 ~ 0.75 m soil profiles in two key growth stages of cotton were measured by EM38-MK2 earth conductivity meter Rate, in-depth analysis of cotton root zone apparent electrical conductivity in the spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors. The results showed as follows: 1) Before and after rainfall, the spatial variability of salinity in the coastal waters of the Yellow River Delta was large and reached or exceeded the level of medium variation; 2) By correcting the conductivity of the earth and excluding the interference factors that affect its readings, Characterization of soil salinity status at 0 ~ 0.375 m / 0 ~ 0.75 m can effectively be used for the monitoring and assessment of soil salinization in coastal cotton fields. 3) Combining with the topography and topography of the Yellow River Delta, rainfall evaporation, crop general growth And other factors, the author thinks that on the regional scale, optimizing the pattern of land use and strengthening the basic water conservancy construction in farmland; on the field scale, measures such as land leveling and irrigation and drainage coordination are the foundation for the treatment and improvement of coastal saline-alkali soil.
树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DC)是一种抗原递呈细胞,其最显著的特点是能有效刺激静息的T淋巴细胞,诱发初次免疫应答.DC来源于骨髓细胞,在正常组织中含量很少,在体外可用GM-C
安家宝家用节能产品是一种新型的家用功能性装潢材料,而且绿色环保,不会腐蚀、污染周围其他物质,对人体也绝无毒害和辐射。 产品功能1.保温节能:可降低空调能耗达20%。2吸音降噪:可控制
【摘 要】新课程标准要求我们,教学不能停留在知识的层面上,要注重学习方法的指导,给学生一定的自由度,让其自己去探索、去发展,突出学生的主体性,发展其个性,培养创新精神和实践能力。在课堂教学中我尝试采用不同的学习方法,如自主学习法、合作学习法、创造性学习法、探究式学习法、延伸性学习法等,收到了良好的效果。  【关键词】高中体育;思考;学习体育;方法  一、教给学生学习体育的方法  1.自主学习法 
目的 观察~(131)Ⅰ对分化型甲状腺癌的治疗效果.方法 40例中晚期分化型甲状腺癌在甲状腺全切、颈部转移灶清扫或切除后作了~(131)Ⅰ内放疗.~(131)Ⅰ示33例有肿瘤残留或远处转
一台日立 EX2 0 0 1型挖掘机在施工中出现小臂动作没劲、一侧行走无力、复合操作旋转动作慢、大臂抬升迟缓的故障。据驾驶员讲 ,在此前一段时间 ,液压主泵由于有噪音而拆检过