目的检验结合我国华南地区气候以及人文环境特点研制的骨质疏松知识评价问卷(Osteoporosis Knowledge Assessment Questionnaire OKAQ)的信度和效度。方法2009年2月~2009年8月,对511位广州市不同阶层社区居民以及56名不同医学专业的硕士研究生进行问卷调查。除OKAQ外,还同时使用了骨质疏松知识测验中文版(OKT)检验前者的效标效度。结果OKAQ总体内在一致性信度为0.84,复测信度为0.69,与骨质疏松知识测验的效标关联效度为0.41,因子分析显示OKAQ的结构效度良好。结论OKAQ的信、效度良好,适合进一步在不同人群中使用。
Objective To test the reliability and validity of the Osteoporosis Knowledge Assessment Questionnaire (OKAQ) based on the characteristics of climate and human environment in South China. Methods From February 2009 to August 2009, 511 residents of different social strata in Guangzhou and 56 postgraduates of different medical majors were surveyed. In addition to OKAQ, but also the use of the Chinese version of the knowledge of osteoporosis test (OKT) test the validity of the former. Results OKAQ overall internal consistency reliability was 0.84, retest reliability was 0.69, and osteoprotegerin knowledge test efficiency-related standard validity was 0.41, factor analysis showed OKAQ structural validity. Conclusions The letter of OKAQ is of good validity and suitable for further use in different populations.