化疗药物漏于血管外,易造成局部疼痛、红肿及皮下组织坏死。我们近5年来对60例出现药液外漏的病人作了及时处理,体会如下: 1.药液外漏的预防:①选择弹性好、通畅而较粗的血管,从远端至近端,左右交替穿刺,切忌在同一部位反复穿刺。②静脉穿刺后先输入生理盐水,待输液通畅,无外漏时再注入化疗药物。③输液完毕后再注入盐水,以确保药液全部注入血管,避免其漏入皮下组织。
Chemotherapy drugs leak out of the blood vessels and cause localized pain, redness, and necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue. In the past five years, we have dealt with 60 cases of patients with liquid leakage in a timely manner, experience as follows: 1. Prevention of leakage of liquid medicine: 1 choose a good elasticity, smooth and thick blood vessels, from the distal to the proximal, Alternating punctures from side to side, avoid repeated punctures at the same site. 2 First enter normal saline after venipuncture, and wait until the infusion is patency, then inject chemotherapeutic drugs when there is no leakage. 3 After the infusion is completed, inject the saline to ensure that the liquid is completely injected into the blood vessels to avoid leakage into the subcutaneous tissue.