在我们身边,有这样一些人:他们没有传世的丰功伟绩、也没有巨额的珠宝财富,可是他们都怀着一颗赫诚的心,他们都在做着同一件事,他们都坚持一个共同的信念——将环境保护之路走到底! 他们当中有普通市民,也有政府公务员;有教师学者,也有目不识丁的农民。他们势单力薄的执著与付出足以感动每一个人,他们的环保之路虽然艰难却也充满光明,因为他们从来没有放弃过自己的信念,因为他们坚信——环保之路,吾道不孤!
Around us, there are those people who have neither the deserved legacy of world heritage nor the tremendous amount of jewels they have, but they both cherish a sincere heart and they are all doing the same thing, all of whom insist on a common belief --The road to environmental protection in the end! Among them, there are ordinary citizens, there are government civil servants; there are teachers and scholars, but also illiterate farmers. They are hard-working perseverance and pay enough to move everyone, their environmental protection despite the hard but full of bright, because they have never given up their beliefs, because they firmly believe that - the road to environmental protection, I am not alone !