
来源 :内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongzathu
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成吉思汗八白室多见于明清两代蒙文史书,但组成情况记述不详,因而出现今天的混乱局面。根据清代蒙文档案,成吉思汗八白室由成吉思汗和孛尔贴格勒真哈屯白室、忽兰哈屯白室、也遂哈屯白室、也速干哈屯白室、胡日萨德格(弓箭)白室、额希哈屯白室、上吉劳(鞍髻)白室、下吉老白室组成。成吉思汗八白室并不是成吉思汗陵墓,严格意义上也不是衣冠冢,而是成吉思汗灵宫。成吉思汗八白室主室上首位置安放一口包银箱子,该箱子里封存的神秘物品为成吉思汗八白室最高圣物,是代表成吉思汗灵魂的象征物。社会上有关它的猜测和传闻很多,但根据档案,该物为成吉思汗圣像。 Genghis Khan eight white room more common in the Ming and Qing Dynasties Mongolian history books, but the composition of the situation is not well documented, and thus appear today chaos. According to the Mongolian archives in the Qing Dynasty, Genghis Khan eight white room from Genghis Khan and Beierzigradizhan Hattun white room, suddenly Lan Hattun white room, then the Hartun white room, but also quick dry Hatun white room, Grid (bow and arrow) white room, the amount of Xi Hatton white room, the upper chamber (saddle bun) white room, under the Kyrgyz white room. Genghis Khan eight white room is not the mausoleum of Genghis Khan, strictly speaking, is not the crown of graves, but Genghis Khan Linggong. Genghis Khan eight white room host room placed a pack of silver box, the box sealed mysterious items for the highest relics of Genghis Khan eight white room, is the symbol of the soul of Genghis Khan. There are many social speculations and rumors about it, but according to the archives, this is the image of Genghis Khan.
In the novel Frankenstein, the creature “monster” has no name. He is called “monster” and “devil” since he wascreated. This paper explores the lack of mon
摘 要 培养学生数学课堂学习积极性,使学生成为课堂的真正主人,可以通过课堂氛围、情景的创设,开展学生自主探索、动手操作活动,最后师生交流、定论的模式来实现。自主探索,动手操作的课堂模式能使学生获取大量的感性知识,使抽象的数学知识形象化,激发学生学习的兴趣,提高学生学习的积极性、主动性,从而提高课堂效率。  关键词 教学模式;自主探索;动手操作  中图分类号:G622 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10
摘 要 落花无意人有情,每一个景物在作者那里都有情感,每一个文本都自己独立存在的价值。真实情境还原,会让语文教学更科学,且有美感。文学只有在尊重作者、尊重文本的基础之上才能做出科学的解读,才能让语文课堂回归常态,并且守住语文学科的本质与特殊性。  关键词 初中语文;巧设情境;激发兴趣;提高效益  中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-7661(2018)01-0067-01  
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