2012年4月10日上午,《广西通志·图志》总体设计书(编图大纲)讨论会在自治区地方志办公室七楼多功能厅召开。参加会议的有自治区地方志办公室主任李秋洪, 自治区地方志办公室顾问、自治区政协常委、教科文卫体委员会副主任蓝日基, 自治区地方志办公室副主任唐中克、秦邕江及顾问晏源源, 以及自治区
On the morning of April 10, 2012, the symposium on the general design of Guangxi Tongzhi Diagrams (outline of coding) was held in the multi-purpose hall on the seventh floor of the local history office of the autonomous region. Li Qiuhong, director of the Autonomous Region Local Records Office, consultant of the autonomous region local history office, standing member of the CPPCC National Committee of the autonomous region, Lan Ri Ji, deputy director of the Education, Culture and Health Committee, Tang Zhongke, deputy director of the local chronicles office of the autonomous region, Qin Yujiang and consultant Yan Yuanyuan,