
来源 :施工企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:michael_zhang_x
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“如果把国际建筑市场比做大海,那么从事国际工程的企业就是大海中的打鱼船,驾驶着这条船,去索取大海的宝藏,成功者满载而归,无能者空驶而返,失败者葬身鱼腹”。随着国家“走出去”战略的进一步推行以及国内建筑市场顶峰渐显,多数中国建筑企业已经转战国际市场。早期的一批先行者面临由低端市场向高端市场的转变,新来者希望“洋饭碗”能够切实填补国内建筑市场份额未来的萎缩趋势。然而,国际市场并非人人都可以随便分一碗羹的地方,截然不同的市场规则、文化背景、管理理念使很多企业铩羽而归或苦苦支 “If you compare the international construction market to the sea, then an enterprise engaged in international projects is a fishing boat in the sea. Driving this boat to retrieve the treasure of the sea, the successful ones are filled with gifts and the incompetent person is going empty. The losers are buried Fish belly ”. With the further implementation of the national “Going Global” strategy and the gradual rise of the domestic construction market, most Chinese construction enterprises have already fought in the international market. A group of pioneers in the early stage faced the transformation from the low-end market to the high-end market. The newcomers hope that the “foreign rice bowl” can effectively fill the future shrinking trend of the domestic construction market. However, in the international market, not everyone can easily take a share of the place. Different market rules, cultural backgrounds and management concepts have led many enterprises to plunge or suffer
摘要:校企合作是高校促进学科专业发展和提升学生就业能力的一种有力手段,是建设校外人才培养实践基地的一个重要途径,是学校走可持续发展的一项重要举措。本文首先介绍了校外人才培养实践基地建设的重要性,然后概括了校企合作的几种典型模式和合作过程中普遍存在的问题,最后结合实际,提出了高校校外人才培养实践基地的建设对策。  关键词:校企合作;人才培养;实践基地  目前高校在校生专业实践一般分为校内和校外实践两