根据2015年3月~7月大型拖网加工船“开富号”在智利外海东部智利竹筴鱼渔场(38°~47°S、78°~93°W)得到的生产调查数据及通过NOAA卫星遥感获取的海洋环境数据(海表温度、叶绿素浓度),对该海域调查期间的竹筴鱼资源与海表温度(SST)及叶绿素浓度分布特征进行初步分析。结果显示:(1)整个调查期间平均日产量为146.33 t,其中以4月份最高,3月份最低;(2)平均CPUE为10.49 t/h,其中以7月份最高,3月份最低;(3)随着季节从秋季进入冬季,智利竹筴鱼渔场总体从南向北移动,秋季(3~5月初)的渔场由东向西移动,而冬季(5月末~7月)的渔场则突然向东转移;(4)智利竹筴鱼渔场主要分布在SST为10~18℃的海域,其中又以13~14℃的渔获率较高;(5)智利竹筴鱼渔场主要分布在叶绿素浓度为0.12~0.26 mg/m~3的海域,其中又以0.14~0.18 mg/m~3的渔获率较高;(6)随着秋冬交汇,智利竹筴鱼鱼群明显分裂成两片渔场进行聚集,其中西部渔场大规格个体占比较高。
According to the production survey data obtained from March to July 2015 by the large trawler “Kaifu” at the fishing ground of Chili (38 ° ~ 47 ° S, 78 ° ~ 93 ° W) in the eastern Chile, NOAA satellite remote sensing data of sea environment (sea surface temperature and chlorophyll concentration) were used to analyze the distribution characteristics of SST and chlorophyll concentration in the survey area. The results showed that: (1) The average daily output during the entire survey was 146.33 t, with the highest in April and the lowest in March; (2) the average CPUE was 10.49 t / h, of which the highest was in July and the lowest in March; (3) As the season progressed from autumn to winter, the Chilean skipjack fisheries moved generally from south to north, the autumn (early March to early March) fisheries moved east to west, and the winter (late May to July) fisheries suddenly moved east (4) The Chilean skipjack fish farms are mainly distributed in the sea area with SST of 10 ~ 18 ℃, of which the catch rate of 13 ~ 14 ℃ is higher; (5) 0.12 ~ 0.26 mg / m ~ 3, of which 0.14 ~ 0.18 mg / m ~ 3 was the highest. (6) With the intersection of autumn and winter, the fish of M. chinensis split into two fisheries Gathered, of which large proportion of western fisheries accounted for a high proportion of individuals.