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鲜活的案例激起思想对接的火花,智慧的传递点燃教育开拓的热情。2011年10月19日,作为“教育部—中国移动中小学校长培训项目”实践基地之一的深圳市布吉高级中学迎来了此项培训的第三批学员,他们分别是来自青海、甘肃、重庆、陕西等中西部地区的八位校长。在为期10天的跟岗培训中,参训校长跟随布吉高级中学的马锐雄校长深入了解了该校的“扬长教育”理念及其带来的学校跨越式发展成果,通过借鉴布吉高级中学特色教育、教学管理等多方面的成功方略,进一步打破了自身对于在现实制约下无法开展特色素质教育的偏见,力图从布吉高级中学的发展历程中窥见自己学校的影子,掌握薄弱校走向“柳暗花明”的关键点。针对此次培训,马锐雄校长工作室为参训学员量身打造了翔实的培训方案,内容丰富、形式灵活,为校长培训的开展提供了一个有特色、见实效的活动范例。在培训总结会上,张世林组长代表培训团发表感言,对此次培训活动给予了极高评价,认为是自己经历过的最好、最彻底、最有收获的培训。究竟是什么样的内容、什么样的形式让参训校长们皆感到耳目一新、收获颇丰且愿意随之趋之?马锐雄校长工作室又为他们准备了怎样的精神大餐?本文将为您一一讲述。 Vivid cases sparked the spark of docking, the transmission of wisdom ignited the enthusiasm for education and development. On October 19, 2011, the third batch of trainees from the Shenzhen Buji High School, one of the “Ministry of Education-China Mobile Primary and Secondary Headmaster Training Programs” practice bases, welcomed the participants from Qinghai, Gansu, Chongqing, Shaanxi and other central and western eight principals. During the 10-day follow-up training, the principals of the attending schools followed Ma Ruixiong, the principal of Buji High School, to get a deep understanding of the school’s philosophy of “Yang Yang Education” and the results of the school’s leap-forward development. By referring to the characteristics of the Phuket High School Education, teaching management and other aspects of the success strategy, to further break the prejudice to the characteristics of quality education can not be under the constraints of reality, trying to learn from the history of Phuket High School glimpse the shadow of their own schools, to grasp the weak school to "The key point. In response to this training, Prof. Ma Ruixiong made a detailed and informative training program for the trainees, with rich content and flexible forms, which provided a unique and effective example of activities for the training of principals. At the training summary meeting, Zhang Shilin, the leader of the training group, made a speech and spoke highly of the training activity and considered it as the best, most thorough and most rewarding training that he has ever experienced. What kind of content, what kind of forms for the participants are felt the President are refreshing, rewarding and willing to follow? Ma Ruixiong Principal studio and for them what kind of spiritual feast? This article will be for you A talk.
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