在精神文明建设中, 有一种现象值得深思, 即高尚科学的思想文化,优良宝贵的精神财富,虽经各界长期、大力地倡导、弘扬,其效果仍有待于扩展;而一些糟粕,只要对其稍稍疏于抑制,就会流传开来。如封建迷信,千百年来谬种流传,不绝如缕;如“黄、赌、毒”,打击稍有松弛,即瘟疫般地污染社会。这是在阶级斗争已不是社会主要矛盾的情形下,意识形态、思想政治领域中凸现出来的严重挑战。出于以上思考, 本期刊登了张洪兵同志关于开展学习秦文贵活动的几点认识,旨在强调: 大力倡导学习英雄模范人物的先进事迹, 不是一阵子的事, 而是要研究怎样使之贴近群众常学常新; 也不仅仅是一个典型树立起来了,这项“工程”就告结束了,而是要研究怎样最大程度地发挥先进典型的社会效益。如果我们把类似学先进、弘扬优良传统的活动比做精神文明建设的一项项“工程”,那么,随着这些“工程”的高质量的完成,那些社会丑恶现象、不正之风,也就失去了负隅顽抗的阵地
In the construction of spiritual civilization, there is a phenomenon worth pondering over, that noble scientific ideology and culture, excellent and valuable spiritual wealth, despite all walks of life long-term, vigorously advocate and promote, the effect still needs to be extended; and some dross, as long as its A little neglected suppression, it will spread. Such as feudal superstition, thousands of years the spread of absurd, inexhaustible, such as “yellow, gambling, poisoning” to combat a little slack, that pestilence pollution of society. This is a serious challenge that has emerged in the field of ideology and ideology and politics in the absence of the class struggle as the major social contradiction. In the light of the above considerations, this issue contains a few observations made by Comrade Zhang Hongbing on how to carry out Qin Wengui’s activities in order to emphasize: It is not a matter of time to advocate the advanced deeds of studying heroic model figures. Instead, we should study how to make them close to the masses Often learn often; nor is it just a typical set up, the “project” is over, but to study how to maximize the social benefits of advanced models. If we compare activities like learning advanced and carrying forward fine traditions as a “project” for the construction of spiritual civilization, then with the high-quality accomplishment of these “projects,” those social evils and unhealthy tendencies, that is, Lost the stubborn position