编者按 广州陈氏书院 ,是建于清光绪年间的广东全省陈氏合族宗祠 ,是全国重点文物保护单位。闻名中外、巧夺天工 ,具有较高的历史、文化和科学、艺术价值。著名文物专家罗雨林先生从 1961年就在那里从事研究工作 ,并在这基础上总结成专著。特发表著名古建筑考古专家、中国社会科学院考古研究所研究员杨鸿勋先生的评价文章。
Editor’s note: Chen’s College in Guangzhou is an ancestral hall of Chen Clan ancestor of Guangdong province built during the Guangxu period and is a national key cultural relics protection unit. Known both at home and abroad, it has a high historical, cultural, scientific and artistic value. Mr. Luo Yulin, a famous expert in cultural relics, was engaged in research work there from 1961, and on this basis, he concluded a monograph. Special published famous archaeological experts in ancient architecture, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Archeology researcher Mr. Yang Hongxun evaluation articles.