1999年高考历史第15题是:第一次国共合作采取了共产党员以个人身份加入国民党的“党内合作”方式,最早提出这种方式的是:A共产国际 B中国共产党 C孙中山D廖仲恺(参考答案为A)。关于这一史实,高中课本是这样表述的:1922年8月底,“中共中央在
The 15th issue of the history of the college entrance examination in 1999 was that the first KMT-CPC cooperation adopted the “intra-party cooperation” method in which communists joined the Kuomintang in their personal capacity. The earliest proposed method was: A. Communist International B. Chinese Communist Party C. Sun Yat-Sen D Liao Zhongkai (Reference answer is A). With regard to this historical fact, high school textbooks are expressed in this way: At the end of August 1922, "the CPC Central Committee was