音乐电视(MTV)在中国,应当说是一件新生事物。既然是新生事物,那么,它就应当是一副新面孔。然而,中国的音乐电视一出娘胎,却让人感到似曾相识。中国的音乐电视,究竟像个什么呢?人们想到了川剧的变脸。 川剧的变脸,大概人们都有所了解,就是演员在台上一会是甲脸,一会又变成了乙脸,再一转脸,又成了丙脸,其迅速变换,真有点儿令人目不暇接。 我们的音乐电视,也有点儿像川剧的变脸,你看吧!演员在那里忽而时装满身,好像模特展示;忽而又是军服笔挺,犹如阅兵上阵,忽而天南,忽而地
MTV in China, it should be said is a new thing. Since it is a new thing, then it should be a new face. However, China’s music television is a birth, but people feel like deja vu. China’s music television, what exactly like it? People think of Sichuan Opera face. Sichuan Opera face change, probably people have understood that the actors on the stage for a while is a face, and then turned into a B face, and then turn face, and became C face, its rapid change, really a bit of people Dizzying Our music TV, but also a bit like the face of Sichuan Opera, you see it! Where the actors suddenly filled with fashion, like a model show; suddenly military uniform, like a parade, Suddenly, suddenly