“Faithfulness”and “Similarity in Spirit”

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  摘 要:现代著名翻译家刘士聪(1937—)认为文学翻译需忠实于原文,而且更為重要的是要体现出原文的艺术效果,比如风格,精神,意韵等,即基于翻译理论,传达原文的神韵。本文旨在用“信”和“神似”这两个翻译理论来分析比较刘士聪对夏衍(1900—1995)《野草》的英译版本,以此用来证明刘士聪的英译版本更加可行和恰当。
  Abstract:As a modern famous translator,Liu Shicong(1937—)believes that literary translation should be faithful to the content of the original text,more importantly,it should convey its artistic effect,which includes the style,spirit and verve of the original text,namely transmitting the spirit of the original text Based upon this translation principle,the paper aims to analyze and compare his English translation Wild Grass with the source text written by Xia Yan(1900—1995)in the aspects of being faithful to the original text and transmitting the verve of the original text,thus proving that the principles for prose translation initiated by Liu Shicong are applicable and effective.
  Key Words:faithfulness;similarity spirit of the original text;literary translation;
  Wild Grass
  Wild Grass is an allegorical prose written by Xia Yan during the period of the War of Resistance against Japan.It aims to tell our people that we as warriors will finally triumph over those invaders by using of the tenacious wild grass.For this reason,the wild grass in the prose is endowed with all the qualities of a strong and resolute Chinese warrior.Although the language is simple and concise,the meaning it conveys is profound and thought-provoking.In this case,difficult work to translate it into English without losing its original meanings and styles flavors.
  There is no doubt that Liu Shichong is a great master of translation and an advocator of the above view points and it is perfectly reflected in his translation of Wild Grass written by Xia Yan.He believes that literary translation should be faithful to the content of the original text and more importantly,it should convey its artistic effect,which includes the style,spirit and verve of the original text.This thesis will make efforts to explore how Mr Liu employs his two translation principles mentioned above in his practical translation of Wild Grass through its diction,syntax,style and recreation of the prose's verve or spirit,thus proving that the principles for prose translation initiated by Liu Shicong are applicable and effective.
  1 Being Faithful to the Original Text
  As a matter of fact,our translation circles have never reached the agreement on the standard of translation,but the standard of being faithful to the original text is widely accepted by almost all translators.Then what is the meaning of being faithful to the original text? Liu Shicong agrees that Faithfulness refers to the following two aspects.First,it indicates that the translation should precisely express the content of the text without any distortion or amplification or omission in spite of the facts that the text narrates,the purpose of the text and the scenery it describes,the Content also contains the thoughts,viewpoints,standpoints and feelings the author conveys in narration,exposition and description.Second,Faithfulness means that translator cannot arbitrarily change the text's style and the translation must reproduce the style of the original text.In translating Wild Grass,Mr Liu does keep to the translation principle of following the text faithfully in two sides.   1.1 Being consistent with the content
  A good translation should be at least consistent with the content of the original text.In the first place,he often adopts literal translation without big changes in structure,because too much free translation will,to some extent,distort or even destroy the original meaning.For examples:
  “這是一种不可抗的力"—This is an irresistible force.
  “世界上什么东西的气力最大”—What is the most powerful thing in the world?
  The both sentences are translated literally and they are independent sentences,but the meanings have been properly presented.If the translator chooses some big words or makes the structure complex,then the meaning will be twisted and the style ofthe text will be changed For this reason,literal translation is a good choice for some sentences.
  Secondly,in order to be consistent with the content of the original text,the translator must dig through the whole text to determine the exact meaning of certain words and then chooses the right translation.For example:
  “Have you ever seen how frail young grass grows out from under debris and rubble?”
  In the above sentences,there are three different translations of the same words and each of them demonstrates the writer's different feelings about the grass and also conveys different meanings for readers.This prose speaks of wild grass,however,it is,in fact,a metaphor of our people Therefore,the wild grass is different from the grass growing in the garden The translator must distinguish the different meanings of grass in different sentences other wise the subtle disparity cannot be manifested.
  1.2 Being in accordance with the style
  Wild Grass is an argumentative essay As known to all,prose is a very vivid and vigorous literary form and its content is various,which means that anything in the world can be its material sonly if the chosen material can inspire the author's emotions Furthermore,the text can be long or short and its structure is very flexible Some proses are lucid and elegant,while other proses are full of profound philosophical wisdoms.With the purpose of exposing the wild grass's dogged vitality and expressing his appreciation of Chinese warriors,Xia Yan uses simple words and syntax;however,its structure and logic are closely constructed.At the same time,he employs some joking words,thus making his work not S0 rigid or monotonous.Hence,what the translator should do is to reproduce its collquial style by using simple words and syntax,as well as compact conformation.Taking these elements into consideration,Liu Shicong's translation is a success one.In Liu Shicong's version,he uses many simple words and phrases and sometimes even divides relatively long sentences into short ones.For example,   “那么"
  So long as there is life;
  “世界上氣力最大的,是植物的种子,一粒种子所显现 出来的力,简直是超越一切。"
  The most powerful thing in the world is the seeds of plants.The force displayed by a seed is in credible.
  As for the first example,Mr Liu just uses an oral word "well” to replace “那么” Since both of them are simple and oral words,they are the right choices for the colloquial writing style In translating the short sentences,Mr Liu also adopts short sentences,thus making them correspondent Even if the third sentence is long,it can be cut into several short English sentences because he different short sentences are not so tightly related In this way,its meaning and logic becomes clearer.
  2 Transmitting the Verve or Spirit of the Original Text
  Our great translator Fu Lei once proposed that literary translation should attach importance to transmit the verve or spirit of the original text Comparing with other translation principles,we will find that"Elegance" and"Naturalisation" are too abstract while"Transmitting the verve of the original text" is relatively accurate and easy to understand Liu Shicong is consent to Fu Lei’s point of view and says that a high quality translation lies in its similarity in spirit instead of form In general,“verve” refers to the internal spirit and similarity in spirit consists in the understanding grasp of the essence of objective things and deeply revealing their unique characters.
  2.1 The reflection of the essence of things
  Translators must reflect the essence of things that the text describes,including people’s personality,disposition,thoughts,feelings,behaviors and attitudes with the aim of breaking away from the restriction of the source language,such as lexicon,grammar and style,translators are required to have a deep understanding of the original article and then properly transmit its art concept.For example:
  Have you ever seen how frail young grass grows out from under debris and rubble?....roots will drill downward and its sprouts will shoot upward.Any rock lying in its way will be upset This,further,shows how powerful a seed can be.The beauty of this paragraph concentrates on the description of the tenacious spirit of wild grass The author makes efforts to attract readers’ attention by using interrogative sentence and compound sentence When we read the first sentence,we couldn’t help thinking that have we ever noticed the growth of little grass and is it really tenacious as what the author says.Then we continue to read the following sentences and accomplish it at one go on account of its coherence and symmetry Furthermore,we are deeply moved and shocked by its strength.   2.2 The reflection of translator’s recreation
  Similarity in spirit refers to the creation of an excellent translator,which displays the translator’s thorough grasp of the original text and his or her great skills.What’s more,sometimes we cannot fully convey the deep meaning of the text by literal translation on account of cultural differences.Therefore,our translators must make some changes in language form or substitute the original cultural words or even use another expression.For examples,
  (1)“没有一个人将小草叫做大力士”—Though the little grass has never been said to be her culean.
  The bones of a human skull are so tightly and firmly joine.....Then someone invents a method He puts some seeds of a plant in the skull to be dissected.....Once the seed germinate,they manifest a terrible force that succeeds in opening up the human skull that has failed to be opened even by mechanical force.This story tells how powerful the seeds of plants can be.That Mr Liu uses the word “herculean” to substitute “大力” almost perfectly transmits the meaning of the original text and makes it understandable by foreigners,because Herculean in western cultures refers to the greatest god of Greek mythology and he is famous for his braveness and perseverance Concerning about the second example,the translator makes adjustments on the structure of the whole paragraph and recreates its spirit by free translation and the last sentence in particular.If we translate “如此如此” directly,then the original meaning will be totally lost However.Mr Liu connects “植物种子力之大” with “如此如此” and translates it as “This story tells how powerful the seeds of plants can be.” In this way not only can the translator recreate the verve of the original text but also make the sentences coherent and compact.
  As a whole,literary translation should use one language to duplicate the contents and form of the original text so as to create a new artist entity.Mao Dun once said,“As a literary translator,not only should the translator be a master of languages,but also he or she must have a certain literary accomplishment.Furthermore,in spite of those requirements,a translator should also have rich life experience in order to translate the text creatively.”
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摘 要:“十七年”文学延续延安文艺和解放区文艺的方针和政策,是中国当代文学史重要的一部分。受各种错误倾向尤其是极左思潮的影响,“十七年”文学经历了各种各样的曲折,是经验与教训并存的历史,其文学作品生动地反映了该时期的整体社会面貌。  关键词:文学思潮;经验;教训;失声  朱自清曾写过一篇《论不满现状》的杂文,在最后谈到像他这样的自由知识分子的现实境遇时说:  “早些年他们还可以暂时躲在所谓象牙塔里
摘 要:在中国山水画中的空间表现也正是在中国人自己的实践中,在不断地积淀中国传统文化中影响作者的创作思维的同时,而出现的特有的艺术表现形式。中国山水画以一种非常朴素的“天人合一”的观点呈现出对世界观的表达,创造出在诗意空间中对独特的生命体验的抒发,并且承载着人们的情感。  一、中国山水画空间结构的含义  中国山水画由景和地组成。中国山水画的空间表现将山水画家们的知识沉淀、生产环境、成长经历、及其精
摘 要:今天的中国经过近四十年的改革开放,在建筑建造领域已经取得了许多令人瞩目的成绩。然而,随着我国对科学发展观和“绿色中国”理念的提出,绿色建筑已经开始登上了历史的舞台,并且出现了逐渐代替传统建筑的趋势。因此,本文笔者就从这一角度出发,通过对我国绿色建筑的概念与发展现状进行阐释与分析,来进一步对我国绿色建筑的发展前景与趋势进行展望与探究。希望通过笔者的阐释,能够对我国绿色建筑的发展有所裨益。  
摘 要:随着中国改革开放力度的加深,中国与其他国家的文化交流越来越频繁,电影文化则占据了很大的范畴,为了使异国人能够欣赏本国的电影,除了配音,常见的就是对电影字幕进行翻译,实现异国语言的信息传达。本文对字幕翻译研究的理论是德国功能主义的翻译目的论,它认为优秀的译文不一定完全对应原文,译者能自由选择可行的翻译手段达到翻译目的,这正反映了目的论关于翻译策略取决于目的的基本原则。  关键词:战狼,目的论
摘 要:由于西南地区少数民族民歌的传承现况不够乐观,我们就要用到一定的技术手段来帮助记录保存下来,并且要主动的运用民歌里的曲调和少数民族独有的乐器,使得编曲具有民族特色,并对其进行传承发展。因此,我们在西南地区有序的进行田野工作,收集大量的少数民族民歌,少数民族乐器,通过录音,合成等手段进行音色的采样与曲调的采集,然后将采样过后的音色运用在歌曲制作中。  关键词:西南地区;少数民族;民歌;MIDI
摘 要:人们的生活因为互联网的普及变得越来越便利,每个行业和领域中都在不断地加深其网络化,目前阶段来说互联网已经很大程度地渗入了人们的日常生活、工作和学习中,渐渐成为人们日常活动中不可或缺的一个部分。对于学生们来说,互联网的普及可以帮助他们在很短的时间内接触到汉语言文学相关的各种学习资源,,而老师们在教学过程中通过多媒体设备也能极大程度地提高学生们对于汉语言文学学习的积极性,增强课堂的活跃性。但是
摘 要:本文的探讨是基于行李追踪系统展开的,行李追踪系统用于跟踪和校验机场行李托运的全过程,同时提供行李的统计分析,提高了行李托运处理效率,又可降低行李在托运过程中出错的概率。首先对行李追踪系统进行简要说明,阐述其在机场应用的重要性。在此基础上,对行李追踪系统处理流程、功能以及接口进行了研究。最后通过对报文处理的介绍,来构建行李追踪系统的数据基础。  关键词:行李追踪系统;行李托运;报文处理  一
摘 要:民间文化的势衰,不仅是西方文化的侵入,也是本土文化无法被现代社会接纳的结果,如何更好的传承民间文化,成了社会热点话题。本文以安阳民间文化为例,讨论如何活用民间文化,让传统文化跟上时代的脚步。  关键词:民间文化;传承;创新  一、安阳民间文化的发展  安阳市地处河南省的北部,位于晋、冀、鲁、豫的接壤处,具有3000多年的历史和文化。内黄县、汤阴县、安阳县被文化部命名为“中国民间艺术之乡”,
摘 要:网约车为人们的生活和工作提供了极大的便利,而且缓解了城市交通压力,使百姓的出行方式更加多样,满足了其日常生活需求。但网约车的运行过程中,因为法律没有相关的规定,网约车中的民事纠纷也逐渐增多。本文主要分析了如何利用相关的法律维护双方的合法权益,以进一步规范网约车秩序。  关键词:网约车;民事纠纷;合法权益  一、网约车的涵义及相关的法律规定  1.网约车的涵义  网约车是互联网发展到一定程度
摘 要:随着社会、市场不断地发展,满目琳琅设计产品也随之不断涌现。但存在的问题比比皆是:功能多但难操作、讲求美观而忽略实用功能......真正能够从实用、解决问题角度来看的属于小部分,伴随着科技快速地更新换代,设计产品向要得到一个长足的发展,对人的研究显得至关重要。时代的发展方向也将设计往前推进,从生态设计不断向设计生态转型。此次从设计与人的距离、无意识的日常生活中人们共同的感受、真实的需求中探寻