The Captain’s Daughter 是19世纪俄国伟大诗人、作家普希金(A.Pushkin 1799—1837)的作品,于1836年发表,被认为是俄国早期的现实主义小说。小说以18世纪中期哥萨克农民起义,反抗沙皇统治为背景,描写了俄国青年军官 Peter 与其上司的女儿 Maria 之间的爱情故事。
The Captain’s Daughter is a work by 19th-century Russian great poet and writer Pushkin (1799-1837), published in 1836 and considered as an early Russian realist novel. The novel describes the love affair between Russian youth officer Peter and her boss’s daughter, Maria, in the context of the Corsack peasant uprising in the mid-18th century against Tsarist rule.