中国早期金铜佛造像中有关弥勒的遗存见于藏日本京都藤井有邻馆(Fujii Saiseikai Yurinkan Museum of Art,Japan)出土于陕西三原的弥勒菩萨立像,对于该像图像特征的考证,不仅是对早期金铜佛遗存的重要研究,更是对早期弥勒造像遗存研究有着不可或缺的重要价值。
The remains of Maitreya in the early Chinese bronze Buddha statues are found in the Maitreya Buddha statues unearthed in Fujii Saiseikai Yurinkan Museum of Art, Japan in Sahara, Shaanxi Province. The research on the image features of this image is not only of the early stage The important study of the surviving golden bronze Buddha remains an indispensable and important value in the study of the remains of the early Maitreya statues.