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“一方面是上海户籍育龄妇女生育率处于极低水平;另一方面,外来人口的增长过快,给上海公共服务带来沉重压力。”近日,上海社科院发布了2015上海社会发展报告蓝皮书,专门披露了目前上海人口发展的现状、问题与调控对策。蓝皮书还提出,要完善上海人口迁移和居住证管理制度,加快人才集聚。上海要尽快改变人才比重不高,户籍迁移中人才比例偏低、人才的国际化程度低的状况。 “On the one hand, the fertility rate of women of childbearing age in Shanghai is extremely low; on the other hand, the growth of the foreign population is too fast, putting heavy pressure on public services in Shanghai.” Recently, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences released the 2015 Shanghai Social Development Report Blue Book, specifically disclosed the current situation of population development in Shanghai, problems and control measures. The Blue Book also said that it is necessary to improve the system of population migration and residence permit management in Shanghai and speed up personnel pooling. Shanghai needs to change as soon as possible the proportion of talents is not high, the proportion of talented people in household registration migration is low, and the degree of internationalization of talented people is low.
一语言积累和运用1.下列词语中加点字注音有错的一项是( ) A.修葺(qì) 骇人听闻(hài) B.抖擞(sǒu) 风靡一时(mǐ) C.附和(hú) 应接不暇(jiǎ) D.点缀(zhuì) 猝然长逝(c
8月30日,湖南省档案局馆举行纪念《中华人民共和国档案法》颁布实施二十周年“让理想在兰台闪光”演讲比赛。 On August 30, Hunan Archives Administration held a commemo
I.词汇A.根据句意在句中空白处填入适当的词,该词的首字母已给出:1.Chinese people always have w time during Spring Festival.2.There isn’t e——food.I’U go and buy
实验研究是建立物理规律的必要手段,在整个中考试卷中,实验题的比例占到了20%-25%.现在提倡的开放性试题、研究性试题、探究性试题主要是在实验题 Experimental research is
P=F/S和P=ρgh都是用来计算压强的公式.两个公式的适用范围既有不同又有交叉,现分析如下: 1.认识P=F/S P=F/S对固体,液体、气体均适用,但一般只用于固体.“F”是指垂直作用
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。与“公式”相关的中考探索题例析!湖北@程时平 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to v
1.如图156是小勇做完“观察水的沸腾”实验后, 根据记录作出的水的沸腾图象,下列对图象的分析正确的是 ( ) 1. As shown in Fig. 156, after Xiao Yong’s experiment of