2000年5月,正值初夏。 北方某高山茫茫原始森林,仍阴森寒冷。分队长赵云鹏带着5个人的小分队,将穿过这片一眼望不到边的丛林。队员的武器装备是防暴靴、野战佩刀、新式轻武器和一顶头盔。 临出发前,每人口袋被掏空,一分一毛的零钞都被收拢,装进机关干部们提前准备好的牛皮纸信封。军用挎包里,分给每人的口粮是一公斤大米加上5小块压缩饼干。凭这少得可怜的粮食,小分队要急行军7天7夜,中途须翻越一座海拔2700米的高山。
May 2000, coincided with early summer. A mountain of vast forests in the north is still cold and gloomy. Captain Zhao Yunpeng with 5 personal squad, will pass through this piece of jungle at the edge of the eye. The team’s weaponry is riot boots, field Saber, new style of light weapons and a helmet. Before the departure, each pocket was emptied, every minute of the zero notes have been Shoulong, into the agency cadres prepared kraft envelope in advance. Military satchel, divided into rations per person is a kilogram of rice plus 5 small pieces of compressed biscuits. With this scanty food, the squad should urgently march 7 days and 7 nights to overtake a mountain high above 2,700 meters.