1.生长期间的光照条件<材料的自然开花临界光周期5.1%以上为短光; 5%之间为适宜光照;>5.1%以上为长光。2.短光条件由于叶和未展开叶感光效应直接确定开花节位;长光条件气温下降幅度为未展开叶生长速度1~2个温度范围达两天,与叶片长光效应发生综合平衡作用后确定开花节位。3.开花节位是反应光照长度的生育指标。4.短光条件现蕾到结荚气温下降,促进发育而出现畸形荚;长光条件现蕾到结荚气温上升,促进营养生长>促进生殖生长而出现迟结荚。5.25~50°N自然光温动态是形成一年生野生大豆的主要条件。
1. Light conditions during growth 5.1% for long light. 2. Short-light conditions directly determine flowering nodules due to the photoperiod effect of leaves and unexpanded leaves. The temperature drop of unrolled leaves in the long-light condition is two days in the temperature range of 1-2 days, which is determined by the effect of the long-light effect on leaves Flowering knot. 3. Flowering node is the indicator of fertility in response to light length. 4. Short light conditions bud to the temperature drop pod, promote the development and deformity pod; long light conditions bud to the pod temperature rise, promote vegetative growth> Promote reproductive growth and delayed pod emergence. 5.25 ~ 50 ° N Natural Light and Temperature Dynamic is the main condition for the formation of annual wild soybean.