Dancing With Camels

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZhuoFeichi
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  As I get my first glimpse of a Gobi Desert camel, I recall reading about an Abu Dhabi TV show, Poet of the Millions, which is watched by 70 million people. Poets recite verses and the audience votes by texting. “Camels” is one of the topics. It is now my turn to get on a camel.
  Before me, a camel kneels down. A driver guides my foot into a stirrup. A colorful pink tapestry beneath my saddle is proof I am on the Silk Road near Urumqi, capital of China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
这几天过得不太顺心,伤脑筋的事接踵而来,还没缓过神来,那烦人的预备铃又响了。  今天这一节是作文课,我紧皱眉头说:“同学们懂得什么是‘愁眉苦脸’吗?老师现在就是这个样子。”教室里“哄”地一下笑开了。不会吧?好笑吗?看看这些学生,我不禁也笑了。“这是一种人物描写,刚才没注意看的现在只能凭想象了!”同学们这才明白过来,原来“中计”了!我的情绪开始上来了,放慢语气说:“好,我们今天就来写一篇短文,就写一