身为白领的年轻女性,疏远套装已有两三年了,朋友小昭的观点,代表了她身边大多数心性自由的时尚女子对套装的看法:“我一看到套装,就想到冷冰冰的公文匣,和刚性的电脑屏幕,就联想到人生的一系列不得已:作为公司的一分子,你必须无条件地服从和忍耐,强迫自己去适应这周而复始的工作和人情味稀薄的程序。”小昭认为,一度疏远套装就是为了求得一“还我自由”的心理暗示和鼓励,为此,她不是穿针织装上班,就是穿夹克和连帽 T 恤衫。直到有一天,她的上司在会议室外叫住了她,善意提醒她:“穿套装又成为潮流了,小昭,你不想买
As a white-collar young woman, the alienated suit has been for two or three years. The view of my friend Xiao Zhao represents the view of most fashionable and free-hearted women around her on the suit: ”When I saw the suit, I thought of the cold A briefcase, and a rigid computer screen, a series of last resorts reminiscent of life: As part of a company, you have to obey and endure unconditionally and force yourself to adapt itself to the repetitive work and delusional procedures. “” Xiao Zhao In her opinion, the alienated suit was to seek the psychological hint and encouragement of “returning oneself to freedom.” Instead of wearing knitwear to work, she wore jacket and hooded T-shirts. Until one day, her boss stopped her in the conference room, kindly remind her: "wear a suit has become a trend, Xiaozhao, you do not want to buy