Female patient, 50 years old, formerly suffering from hypertension, arteriosclerosis, rheumatic heart disease. February 4, 1982 Suddenly felt dizzy in dinner, then fell unconscious, mouth crooked, spit foam, second incontinence. After a 24-hour hospital rescue did not improve, diagnosis of brainstem hemorrhage transferred to our hospital. Physical examination: body temperature 37,0 ℃, blood pressure 180 / 120mmHg, pulse 102 beats / min, shallow breathing irregular. Deep coma, pressure orbital reaction, Xiang Qiang (++). Double pupil narrow (1.5mm), poor response to light, no nystagmus. Upper right and lower extremity complete hemiplegia, high muscle tone, tendon hyperreflexia, right Hoffmann sign positive, Babinski sign positive, Chadock sign positive, ankle seizure positive. Waist transfusion cerebrospinal fluid, pressure 240mmH_2O, atrophy microscopic red blood cells.