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国际刑事司法总是与现实政治密切相关,它的运行离不开国际社会的政治支持,但同时也极易受到现实政治的不利影响。自国际刑事法院2002年成立以来,国际刑事法院检察官既遭遇了“非洲偏见论”的政治攻击,也遇到了和平与正义的政治难题以及对逮捕令执行的政治阻挠。为此,国际刑事法院检察官对各种不实之词进行了澄清和反驳,同时也试图通过坚持法律原则和积极获取国际政治支持的方式维护国际刑事司法的形象。尽管首任国际刑事法院检察官九年的调查和起诉国际犯罪实践取得了相当大的成功,但仍有必要通过采取一些更加明确的策略来化解各种政治和法律难题,例如,可采取将政治问题法律化的策略化解各种政治责难,通过赢得国际政治支持的方式推动法律问题政治解决,并在国际社会缺乏足够政治共识的情况下实现对政治的适度顺应,以便更好地维护国际刑事法院的公信力。 International criminal justice is always closely related to real politics. Its operation can not be separated from the political support of the international community, but it is also highly vulnerable to the real politics. Since the establishment of the International Criminal Court in 2002, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has not only suffered political attacks on “African bias theory” but also encountered political challenges of peace and justice as well as political obstruction on the execution of arrest warrants. To this end, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has clarified and rebutted various false statements and at the same time attempts to uphold the image of international criminal justice by upholding the principle of law and actively obtaining international political support. Despite the considerable success of the nine-year investigation and prosecution of international criminal prosecutors by the first Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, there is still a need to resolve political and legal challenges by adopting clearer tactics, for example by adopting political The legalization of the problem solved various political censures, promoted a political solution to the legal issue by winning international political support, and achieved a proper political adaptation if the international community lacks sufficient political consensus in order to better safeguard the international criminal court Credibility.
晚期糖基化终末产物(Advanced glycation endproducts,AGEs)是一类经由糖,包括通过Maillard反应形成的代谢中间产物化学修饰的蛋白。AGEs具有高度交联性。AGE介导的交联蛋白的一